Friday, June 19, 2009

Well, another thing I had to do was talk to HR about FMLA (it's this law that says, among other things, if you have a chronic medical condition you may be able to get your absences sort of "not count" as far as promotions and stuff are concerned). I did that and was sort of irritated at the lady I talked to. The law states you have to see your doctor twice a year, and I typically see mine once. Yeah, I don't have as bad of colitis as some people have. But, unlike most people, it won't go into motherfucking remission. But I understand, the law's the law and I'm not going to argue with someone who has no control over it.

But why I got irritated at her was the way she put it, which was basically comparing it to someone who doesn't have to see a doctor twice a year because they only have a debilitating migraine once a year. Look, I have a debilitating migraine in my pants once a month on average, and have a slightly lower level of nuisance concerning that nearly every day. But since I tried every fucking medication available in college, many with horrible side effects, and found something that keeps me able to cope with it most of the time, I don't really go to see my doctor all the time just to say, "Hey, I'm doing about the same." She also said Crohn's was covered a lot of times, but not really colitis or IBS. That pissed me off because Colitis may be more unusual than Crohn's, but they're a lot alike, way more similar to each other than Colitis is to IBS. In fact, I've never known anyone to land in the hospital because of straight up IBS with no other complications, but there are tons of people (I admit, this doesn't include me) who've had colitis that had to. And a lot of people I know who have IBS can avoid problems if they just avoid certain foods. Not so with me. Yes, there are foods more likely to trigger problems than others, cheese and coffee come to mind there, but I can have a fucking saltine cracker or potato with nothing on it and feel miserable the whole day almost as easily. So if she had just said, "I'm sorry it's the law" or something I would not mind but I was kind of annoyed that she tried to explain the law to me in a manner that I felt belittled my problem.