Tuesday, December 16, 2008

This is a nasty, nasty virus. I've tried a bunch of antiviruses and spyware removers, and some of them don't find it and some of them won't even start. Someone made it so the virus can protect itself, I guess. My friend Ryan the IT guy is almost out of ideas. I think I might, as much as this pains me, pay money for someone to fix it somewhere, and let THEM tear out their highly paid hair over it.

I guess I just have poor luck with computers... My first computer ALWAYS had something or other wrong with it (apparently Windows ME breaks computers even before you buy them), my second one is the one I had to say goodbye to recently when it was fried by a powersurge even though there had been no thunderstorm. And now this fucking thing, the computer's less than a year old. I'm tired, I just want things to work the way they're supposed to.