Sunday, August 03, 2008

Not necessarily in chronological order.

--The asshole neighbors moved. I found out because the condo prez. came out and appologized to me about the garbage in the parking lot they left when they moved out. I looked way too happy when he told me that, I fear. The guy's brother moved in, so I fear he's an asshole too, but still he might not be and even if he is, that's like 1/3 of the sheer volume of assholes formerly cohabitating the complex. Yes, I count the baby as an asshole too, for crying all the time (though, as the guy who sold this place to my parents says, "I'd cry too if I had those parents").

--I gained a nemesis at work on Fri. This guy's a total stranger to me, I walked by his cube on the way to my supervisor's desk. He says, "don't look so happy," sarcastically to me. This is something that irritates the crap out of me even when I am not depressed, because who has a fucking right to tell me what facial expressions I can and can't make if I'm not doing anything weird or rude with them?

Then on top of it, the fact is I'm not happy, and I don't feel I should be skipping into work with a big fake grin on my face just to please complete strangers. But I was polite, and went on my way. Then, on the way back to my desk, the fucker does it again! This is in the space of like, 2 minutes! Who does that? The one guy at my previous job who used to say this would space it out over months instead of repeatedly harassing me about it. AND I knew him, he wasn't a goddamn stranger sticking his nose into my business. I am now completely enraged. But I let it pass.

So then later in the day, I go to the bathroom. And guess who is heading there when I'm on my way back--my brand new buddy. As I am walking towards him, I think, "Okay, he's not going to do it a third time. No one would do this a third time when the first two obviously didn't make the person smile." But then he says it AGAIN. I am now so agitated that I have to say something. If I don't say something, he will keep doing it, and I can't take that. I am in fact, INCOHERENT WITH RAGE, because I can't even articulate what to say to him. I sputter for like a minute, finally spewing out some sort of combination of "what do you want from me?" and "I don't even know what my face is supposed to look like," clenching and unclenching my fists the whole time. He acts deeply offended that I don't take his harassment as friendliness and leaves before I can actually say anything meaningful to explain to him about why this bothers me.

I know it's evil to use this just to put someone in their place, but if I were really, really thinking on my feet my reply would probably be, "My mother's dying of cancer right now. Please stop telling me to smile." It would make him feel about an inch tall, which is probably mean, but it would probably be upsetting enough to make him think twice before harassing total strangers who might have a 100% valid reason to not look happy again, and maybe break him of this obnoxious habit.

--I made a blueberry pie! It is my first experience of pie baking--and I think I did well. It doesn't really have a traditional crust, it has crumblies on top and graham cracker crust on bottom. Not only was this easier, but I'm not big on traditional crust so I thought it tasted better as well. I brought some to my dad, and I was really happy, he took a lot of it because he liked it so well. He also actually scraped the pie pan to get crust he missed because he liked it so much. This is a HUGE compliment, because when my mom made pies she used to yell at him for not eating the crust (though--my crust isn't better than mom's, just a different sort, she used traditional crust and I think he's like me and likes graham cracker more). Josh sampled it as well and liked it, then I took it to the D & D crew and they seemed to like it as well. I like eating what I cook, but I almost more like taking my successes around to people just to fish for compliments, so I was happy at the amount of joy the pie brought to various people. I bought more blueberries, so I am going to do it again soon.

--I recieved an awesome card from Andi. Even though it's not my birthday, it says, "Happy birthday, you bastard," and inside, "No seriously, you're a bastard." She (rightfully) thought I would like it so much that she bought it for me and sent it regardless of birthday status.

--I hung out with Josh today. He brought me delicious funnel cake from this street fair in Peoria and it was awesome. We watched some arrested development, played some Blokus, ate food, and shopped. Having him around always peps me up, so I'm glad he visited.

--I hung out with the D & D crew today, and it was also sweet. I played an awesome game called Aquire for the second time ever and we enjoyed some Apples to Apples as well. I also had this conversation that makes me the creepiest person ever:

(something about kids or something)
Me: Yeah? Well children can suck on my junk. Which is why, by law, I'm required to stay at least 40 feet away from them.
Pat: Are you saying you're involved in kiddie porn?
Me: No, I'm a molester. I'm a doer, not a watcher.
(can't remember who made this suggestion): Well you could make kiddie porn. You could be the star!
Me: Uh, I don't think I'd be the star, the kid is. I'd be in more of a supporting role.

And on that note I end this post.