Saturday, April 05, 2008

Damn good times

Man, I say if you haven't ever took a 20 minute long crap with a hyper kitten in the bathroom with you who needs to be constantly entertained to stop it from attacking your legs, you have not lived! It wasn't unpleasant, per se, just weird. Anyway, the kitten in question is the Roni's roommate's. She's super cute, but crazy as hell.

Another thing I did in Pewhoria is visit Just For Fun which was this cool game store. I did have to admit to the Roni that that is one area in which Pewhoria beats out the B-Niz, because as far as I know we don't have any decent game shops. Anyway, they don't have very much in the way of normal games. There were a couple themed monopoly's, but that was about it. But they have a million interesting nerdy/dorky games. They have the Magic cards and RP stuff you'd expect, but the bulk of their stuff actually does seem to be random goodness.

They have all the Killer Bunnies, they have Rio Grande games (Bohnanza, Puerto Rico, etc), they have the Looney Labs games (Fluxx, Chrononauts, etc), an an enormous lot of ones I've not heard of. I think I could spend hours in there, if only reading the descriptions of games didn't get boring after awhile.

He also bought and cleaned strawberries for me and showed me Paul Rudd's buttocks.