Sunday, December 23, 2007


Gah. It really blows. At my old crappy place, I never heard a peep, noise-wise, out of any of my neighbors, and the ones that heard me didn't seem to mind (the one lady actually kept telling me how much she liked my music). But here I am at this nice new place.... and I can fuckin' hear everything. And the neighbors can hear me. And they complain.

Yeah.... it's the anti-dn's again. 2 pm, when you'd think you could play your music at any volume. I was playing it like medium high, nowhere near as high as it can go. I thought I'd solved the problem awhile ago by taking my subwoofer off the floor. But... apparently not, because anti DN complained about my music again.

And he was like "could you turn your music down," and I was like, "okay" and was going to shut the door and do it, but he felt the need to add in, yet again, that it's for his stupid kid. I really wish I had the balls to say, "Oh, the same kid that fucking CRYS 24/7 that annoys the shit out of me? I'll turn down my music when you turn down your baby." On top of that, I think it's a BS excuse. If my music annoys you, it annoys you. But don't hide behind your baby--I know damn well that babies don't care what noises are going on while they sleep as long as it's not something sudden or startling. It's also sort of poopy, the other night (and previous nights) I've heard them talking really loud through my floor, so loud that I can hear words. I think they have a loud friend or something. If I have to be quiet, you should be quiet. But I really don't have the energy to go down there and argue about it, especially since I myself don't have a baby I can hide behind.

And... if I still had my subwoofer on the floor, or if I REALLY had the music cranked up, or if this was late at night, I would sort of get it. But this was just sort of annoying and put a downer on my mood.