Friday, September 07, 2007


In the prev. post I forgot the wide variety of ways people say that I sound tired.

--such as when I'm making them spell the name of the person they hit over and over because it's just random consonants stuck together and could never be a name, and isn't the same thing twice. Then during the entire HALF HOUR the claim takes, the guy says "you sound tired" over and over. (already a comic for this)

--when they think they're on hold and I can't hear them. "Wow, she sounds tired"

--and most of all, on labor day:

"Can I speak to _____"
"No, I'm from blah blah blah, I'm not actually in the office, I'm an extension of your agent's office, but is there anything I can help you with?"
"No, you sound TOO TIRED TO TALK!" the man angrily says, and hangs up on me. I'm not even making this shit up.

Plus today I had this woman who sounds like Ryan's impression of my mother. It was hilarious.

Also I had a woman berate me for being too quiet for her to hear. When I was SHOUTING into the phone. And I'm also the loudest person I know. Then she gave the phone to her friend who could actually hear, so I know it wasn't her phone either.