Saturday, September 22, 2007


Thank god. I went to a tile store, and not only did they have tile that didn't suck, but they had colors that were actually pretty, novel idea, I know. Now I can just get the tile I like and not have to be the sort of person who gets worked up over tile anymore.

So worth it.

In other news, sometimes I love my parents:

Mom: Why is Dad getting letters from the govt?
Me: Maybe it's his smuggling ring.
Dad: I have a smuggling ring? How come I didn't know about this?
Me: Cause I made it up just now.
Dad: What do I smuggle?
Mom: Pain pills.
Me: Wow, with all the drugs we take, I actually believe that one. Man, we sure are pill poppers.
Mom: Albeit unwillingly.....
Dad: Don't you say that about my oxycontin!


Anonymous said...

I wish he could score me some Cipro. I have to go all the way to India for that now. :P