Tuesday, September 25, 2007

thar she blows

Home decorating with your parents is traumatizing. Okay, no. But very, very annoying.
Uh, I'd skip this post if you don't want to read a boring annoying rant about my parents and home decorating.

Seriously, why on earth did I think my mom would be helpful in choosing shit? It just made an already frustrating process, well, more frustrating. Without lending it any of the class I had expected. Which, makes me dumb. I don't particularly like how my parents house looks, so why would I like their suggestions?

Multiple reasons this was awful:

1) My mom either loves or hates something. It's never "that's pretty good" or "I guess you could go with that" it's "I love that and you're crazy to not go with that" or "I hate it why would you pick that?"

2) My mom will never ever tell you the real reason behind anything she feels. She will literally make up a reason for something if she thinks I won't like the real reason. And the bizarre part of it is that usually the real reason is something that is more logical and makes me less angry than the crazy fake reason she makes up, or the often used jewel, "I don't know why, I just feel that way."

3) My dad won't stop bringing up the fact that I've mentioned several times over the years that it was stupid of them to let me decorate my room (aka SATURATE it in bright pink) at home during the like, 3 months in first grade that I was into pink. Not only is that just not the type of thing you want to hear when you're trying to decorate something and second guessing yourself already, I hardly think that it's the same situation. I fucking only liked pink a few months. I have enjoyed the colors I enjoy now for years. It is unlikely they will dramatically change a couple months after I do this.

4) I just... suck at knowing what will look good. I seriously thought in my head at my mother, "This is what I fucking get for bringing someone on board who started decorating shit in the 70's" But then I thought about it, and a couple of the vague maybes I proposed (chocolate brown, olive-ish green) are way more 70's-ish than the shit she was trying to sell me on. I am awful. I do not know what looks good at ALL which is why I thought they'd be helpful.

5) Our big arguement was carpet, in that she thinks dark carpet looks shitty and industrial, and I like it. My reasoning: I fucking hate pastel things. I don't want to live in a goddamn easter egg. Plus, I mean, I'm a slob. I'm going to be spilling stuff on this and trying to clean it. Bright carpet, I like the actual colors. I would probably wear shirts or enjoy websites the color of these bright colors. But in carpet, this is kinda much, especially since I don't want to go too light with the walls. So what does that leave? Dark. Is that industrial? I'd never thought of it like that. Especially since the stuff we were looking at was way more fluffy than industrial carpet. She also thinks it would make the room too dark and depressing. I don't even know if either of those are her real reason for her violent dislike of dark carpet, she was acting pretty crazy and sounding like she was making things up as she went along. I don't really get why people are afraid to make rooms dark. Well... I take that back--the place I live in now is dark. And I actually get what she means, I'm cooped in here all day in the dark. BUT: none of the lights in this apartment are worth a damn, and I can't open the shades in the summer, because I'm usually naked, because of my shitty AC. In a place with decent AC and lights, I really can't see why it would be bad to have a dark carpet or wall paint that isn't basically off-white. But by her standards, the carpet I have in my place now is industrial. Which... my current place looks like a den someone made in the 70's. Ghetto, yes. Lived in, yes. Industrial? No.

6) And what I think is industrial looking.... is white or light walls. I hate feeling like I'm in a goddamn hospital. It's probably an irrational dislike... but really. White walls are awful. Anyway, one of the bed rooms is this major compromise we made. Bright green carpet.... (I got my way in it not being pastel, my mom got her way in it not being dark) and this really light yellow paint because I couldn't justify anything actually good looking not terribly clashing with that carpet. I win in that it's not tan. I dunno, if the room looks good that's good. If the room looks awful and is hard to re sell if I move, fuck it, it's her fault. I'm just glad I stuck to my guns RE: the bathroom. I spend a lot of angry time in the bathroom as is, I don't need to have the tile pissing me off the whole time. Whereas spare bedroom, whatever, I don't care. The other bedroom is just basically a continuation of what I'm doing in the living room. It is basically the only thing we could all agree wouldn't look shitty and I got tired of trying to make all these different rooms be independent of each other and not suck.

7) whoever names paint is just weird. I'm pretty glad I didn't take a liking to the color "thar she blows" because I would really hate it when someone is like, "I love this color what is it" and I'd have to say "thar she blows." I guess if it were one of my friends, I would add in, "just like your mom," but it would be mildly stupid/embarassing with other folks. As is, I have "sailcloth," "pale vista," and "memory lane" all fighting it out in there.


Terrace said...

biggest tip I can give you is hit magazines like Good Housekeeping and other home books, then cut out the pages and pictures of rooms that you LIKE the look off. Then you have a start up point and somewhere to go instead of a blank slate and no real idea where to begin... it would help to go through the images you decide to use and mark out elements you don't like so you don't have to argue about it later... it also stops the massive imput of opinions when you show them a picture and say help me recreate this instead of asking them where you should start...