Friday, September 07, 2007

good times

Today at work, I had this guy who kept screaming questions to his wife in the other room. Only he had the phone RIGHT THERE so it was like he was screaming IN MY EAR. He also had a wicked bad smoker's cough. Lastly, one of the occaisions he used to scream to his wife was when I asked him to spell his daughter's name. Yes, he did not know how to spell his daughter's name and had to get his wife to come in and do it.

Yesterday, I got a lady who sounded EXACTLY like my friend Ryan's impression of my mother (except even worse, actually). She had a ridiculous name and I kept trying to guess less ridiculous versions of it and it only made her mad. Then I had to transfer her to our quote department, and introduce her to him by the crazy name and tell him that "I'm not 100% sure if that is her name. She sounds really old and like she smokes a lot. She just kept getting angry at me when I tried to clarify."

I had a woman the other day calling about her son's account. His name was "SirArthur." I wanted to ask her what the hell she was thinking when she named him that.

I had a guy who couldn't read what the police officer put on the police report. Which is common. Which, I told him. And I made an offhand comment, "I think they should make all cops and doctors go to handwriting school." He said he was studying to be a doctor. And his handwriting's horrible. We had a good laugh.

The high volume of funny calls I've been recieving lately makes it suck less. Slightly.