Saturday, July 28, 2007


That second number may no longer be accurate because I'm forgetting to save the list after I delete something (say, a Rush song) from it. Which is not to say I haven't been listening to some of the Rush. Tom Sawyer and Roll the Bones looked vaguely familiar so I left them on.

Highlights: Muse - Assassin, Bloodhound Gang - Something Diabolical, High Dials (dunno track name).

Lowlights: Anne Murray - The Teddy Bear's Picnic, The Used - Taste of Ink


the becca said...

the high dials should be one of the artists I gave you where the track title is in the actual filename... so if you right-click and choose properties, it should give you a good idea.

but it doesn't matter because that whole album is the bomb!