Wednesday, May 30, 2007

how did you feel, being denied these hungry, hungry hippos?

So I hung out with YM last night, and it was awesome. She says she's trying to keep the spirit of Your Mom jokes alive at Borders, but that everyone's like, "Phoe isn't around, it's not funny anymore," which is weirdly sweet (both of her, and them).

Anyway, I miss her, I haven't hung out with her enough since I quit borders, I'm resolving to do it more. I also miss people who don't suck in general. Seriously, I'm not getting along with the people at work. I've finally identified a couple of people who seem to find the same things as I do funny, but all overtures I make have been repelled, not to mention a high percentage of the ones I feel are like me I also feel are douches. Why does it have to be this difficult? I swear, I met one of YM's new roommates tonight, and he and I have had probably more (not to mention more interesting) conversation in the couple of hours we were all watching Donnie Darko together than I have with any of the people at work in the last two weeks. Why is this? Why can I be this comfortable with one stranger and not another?

Note to self: find a hobby that makes me go out and meet people who aren't fucking boring and/or douchey bastards.