Tuesday, April 24, 2007

in my bloodstained sunday's best

Me: oh by the way, the store is SO lucky that they are not my main job anymore
Me: because I would've had to stab some people today if I got as angry over things as I did back when it was my "real job"
Ryan: haha what happened?
Me: well they finally gave me an evaluation
Me: after working there almost two years
Me: and evals are what raises are based on
Me: and they graded me completely on attitude, not knowledge, and basically said I had a shitty attitude last year
Me: so no raise
Ryan: haha that's really lame
Me: yeah. It still makes me annoyed
Me: but I would've lost it if that were my real job still
Ryan: yeah I can imagine
Me: seriously, there are only 2 other full timers left who have been there as long as me
Me: one is a supervisor
Me: the other has even worse attitude than I do (though of course AC doesn't hate him)
Me: so except for the managers and that one supervisor, I basically know more than anyone at the store
Me: any book that's been popular at all in the last two years I can just automatically go and find in two seconds without looking it up
Me: even if the customer butchers the title
Me: and I'm even better with media since I put out all the new releases each week and used to do most of the other multimedia displays as well
Me: and no matter how much I supposedly slack I get more done faster than anyone else because I'm the only one left who knows what the hell they're doing
Ryan: yeah that's pretty lame, I guess they just want you to be a smiling idiot
Me: yep
Ryan: instead of a person who knows what they're doing
Me: I was kind of pissed, like there were at least ten categories
Me: and only one of them pertained to knowledge
Me: and they didn't even give me above "satisfactory" in that
Ryan: that's lame
Me: even though like I said I know way more shit than anyone else
Ryan: were you able to argue any of these things?
Me: I tried but I didn't really get anywhere
Me: I mean I have fucking helped train all my direct superiors in the last year except for Kevin and Thug, sometimes multiple times for each position given our high turnover
Me: but I didn't even get "satisfactory" on the category about helping teach coworkers because during christmas I couldn't get those fucking fuckers to alphabetize a goddamn new release cart right
Me: and got annoyed and gave up
Me: that was like the specific example they gave me for not being able to train anyone
Ryan: haha they dinged you for not being able to train becuase the idiots couldn't learn how to alphabetize?
Me: yeah. Like... I did EVERYTHING in my power, I even made up an instructional sheet ON MY OWN TIME OFF THE CLOCK.
Ryan: did you mention that?
Me: I took like twenty minutes every goddamn week telling and retelling at least one person how to do it
Me: yeah they knew
Me: but since none of the supervisors or managers backed me up because it had nothing to do with them
Me: the people actually doing it didn't give a fuck and did the least possible effort
Me: and fucked it up EVERY WEEK
Me: they still fuck it up I've just given up bitching about it
Me: it's less effort to just fix the shit myself than try and get anyone else to care
Ryan: yeah it sounds like it
Me: well plus... if they fuck it up right now it is not that much effort to compensate
Me: whereas during christmas a lot more stuff comes out
Me: and trying to find stuff when it's not alphabetized anywhere near correctly is really time consuming
Me: so it just made me really angry that no one cared
Me: it wasn't like some vague directive from corporate that doesn't really matter
Me: It was something that made my job a million times harder, and no matter how many people I told that they just didn't give a shit
Me: oh and here's an example of how awesome I am
Me: today some new person was trying to ring up a regular customer and they got confused
Me: so I came up to help
Me: and the when the customer saw me coming up she literally said, "Oh Phoe's here, she'll take care of it."
Me: with complete confidence because anyone who shops at that store regularly knows I'm a badass at getting the registers to do what I want
Ryan: haha nice
Ryan: that right there should get you a raise
Ryan: fuck the rest
Me: also since they're doing away with the corporate sales position, they're re training us all on how to ring them up because most of the employees don't know how the fuck to do them
Me: and I overheard the trainer training this one guy on it (specifically how to do tax exempt if it's not programmed into the card), and she was like, "Oh I don't think they told me how to do that"
Ryan: haha nice
Me: and I was like, "Oh you just go to the total screen and then press this button."
Ryan: haha
Ryan: "satisfactory"
Ryan: you should say something like..
Me: to be fair, she has only just recently become the trainer. But still... I really don't think even most of the longer sup's know.
Ryan: if your knowledge is satisfactory, does that mean everyone else in the store is below that?
Me: apparently