Tuesday, January 16, 2007

be careful

So I forgot to mention, the other night my crazy across the hall neighbor with all the model trains stopped me before I could get into my apartment yesterday to warn me to be careful about some kids who graffitied a garage near here.

I am not exactly sure why I should be careful about. Are they graffiting humans now? Because that's about all I got, except for my car. And there's nowhere else to put my car, considering THE PARKING SPOT I SHOULD HAVE HAS A TRAILER FULL OF MODEL TRAINS IN IT. Gee, I wonder whose fault that is.

I guess he thinks the 14 year olds who clearly did this might graduate to muggings? Then I got to discussing this with my crazy downstairs neighbor with all the knives, and he offered to let me borrow one of his knives. That made a whole lot more sense, though I still declined.