Saturday, December 16, 2006

I forgot

I forgot to mention one of the best bits of yesterday was actually shopping at ghetto kroger for the components needed for the cookies. This is the second time I've been shopping with Opt, for anything, and I have to say it was as fun as the first time (where she told me to find the ugliest thing in TJ Max in under twenty minutes, and then she bought the ugliest thing in TJ Max). I think most of it was the shopping list, though. I seriously have the mind of a fifth grade boy, I insisted on writing "two pounds of BUTT" in giant letters at the top, as opposed to butter. Same with "Butt spray" to grease the pans. And thanks to Opt once again mentioning I have serial killer handwriting, I put some serial killer things on the list as well as the legit ingriedients. So basically we were walking around ghetto kroger with a list that said:

red hots
1 bag milk chocolate chips
1 bag semi sweet chocolate chips
radial saw
1 bag marshmallows
1 bag mini marshmallows
1 bag hooker entrails
butt spray
that thing the cats peed on

I dunno. It tickled me. I want to remember it.