Monday, August 07, 2006

Robo-Spierre is not a hoebag

New year's resolution: (okay, I know this is August) gossip less.

I was in the middle of gossiping about people at work with Opt today, and ended up remembering a discussion I had with one of the new people. In this discussion, I called HTS a douche, told her Jersey is an alcoholic, that Flow Chart flips out when under pressure, reamed a couple of the Mulv's less endearing qualities even though he doesn't even work there anymore, and maybe hit a few other people in between.

I remember one of the things I hated about Weak was the very first day I was there people would blatantly share horrible things and opinions about people I hadn't even met yet.

But.... on the other hand I think what I said was all true. HTS IS a douche. Jersey, though I love him, is a borderline alcoholic. Flow chart does flip out. She'll need to know this stuff, right? Also I feel less bad in that she already does think HTS is a douche, so I didn't really turn her against him to begin with.

Also: apparently my ass is very good. I was very depressed after the night IRTR told me I had a nice ass because he is very old and it was a little creepy (I have started avoiding him a little now) and I can't ever get non crazy old folks to hit on me. But apparently I had secretly been inducted into a secret ass appreciation society long ago at work. Though this is hard to verify, as apparently all people in this society no longer work there.

But, that gets me even more depressed about my personality and/or rest of my body. Because if I have some crazy awesome ass I never knew about and even that can't get me guys, what is up with that?

Anyway, today was pretty awesome. My parents and I are going to Sam's Club sometime soon. I had really only planned to buy fruit, but my mom said this trip they would pay for whatever I got. So first off: FREE FRUIT! Secondly, I'm not going to go crazy and make them not want to let me mooch off of them ever again, but.. FREE OTHER STUFF I WILL MAKE IT A POINT TO BUY THAT DAY TOO! Also we had dinner at crazy awesome chinese place on their dime.

Then I hung out with Opt. I love that she doesn't mind my crazy inane chatter. I will seriously get started on something random and she totally doesn't go, "SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT RHETT MILLER AND THE SICK CONVERSATIONS YOU HAVE ABOUT CLOWN NECROPHILIA." We watched that OK Go video and she loves it as much as I do, too. I still have to show her the video this blog is named after sometime, after she left I was like, "doh."

We played an AWESOME card game called Guillotine. I won! I totally got Robospierre all three times! And because I can't pronounce it correctly I started calling him Robo-Spierre like Robo Cop so then I kept doing my impression of Robospierre as robocop over and over and she didn't yell at me then either even though I'm sure it got old.