Monday, August 14, 2006

oh father joe you cannot tell me

son of a bitch. Someone found this blog by searching p h o e m e i s t e r. Because I suck at cleaning up aim conversations. I don't thiiiink it was my parents, as it is a different computer, but who knows. Fucking hell. If I really do find out they're reading it again, I'm totally going to confront them about it rather than move again. It's one thing to accidently stumble on my blog and start reading it and not be able to stop. It's another thing, once it's moved, to actively search it out again.

EDIT: Okay I looked closer at the details and the user is from Winona, Minnesota. So I actually know who it is, and feel bad that I didn't tell them I changed my url. But it gives me the willies that my parents could easily do the same thing and find me.