Thursday, August 03, 2006

I'm so happy cause today I found my friends

Maaan... it sucks to have to close every day. I didn't realize how hard it was to set up any kind of social interaction. But yeah, every day last week except one, every day this week except for two, every day next week except for one.

And apparently I suck at getting people to hang out on the days I don't close, or, more likely, THEY SUCK AT RETURNING PHONE MESSAGES.


Anonymous said...

trying to hang out with Jersey again?

Girl, you should know better by now.

Phoex said...

haha, it's more Carmax and this friend of mine you don't really know.

A+ to you though for hanging out with me and playing card games with me and watching OK Go videos with me and listening to my inane chatter!