Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I'd take a fourth ben up the pee hole

Fact: it is very depressing to bring home your brand new DVD player and realize you do not have batteries for the TV remote or DVD remote. And it's 2 in the morning so you can't get any. And the future of Tron lies in the blance.

Also I bought it during my break at work and got stuck behind the bitchiest customer of all time, which only shows you that I can't escape them. Ever.

I also watched the He Man movie with Opt, Jersey, and Jersey's girlfriend. Well I should use the term watch loosely we all ended up talking. In social settings I get very loud and bossy, I realized afterwards, and was sad. But all was good. I spread the gospel of the OK Go video and Ass Pennies.


Anonymous said...

you know, at 2 in the morning, Wal Mart is still there for you, baby. And meijer if you prefer to not support evil conglomerate empire.

Phoex said...
