Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Ryan the Thief

Ryan: I think the store was really good for you for that
Me: I kind of do/did have social anxiety but I'm getting better
Me: I am way more comfortable with new people now
Ryan: Yeah.. working retail will do that
Ryan: it hardens you to the jerks and makes you appreciate the cool ones
Ryan: I know I got over a lot of my shyness after selling knives
Me: haha it's a lot easier to sell people yourself than unwanted knives
Ryan: because really, how much worse can meeting people be than going door to door asking if old ladies want to buy your knives
Me: haha yeah
Ryan: yeah exactly
Ryan: I didn't mind that part so much
Ryan: it was all the lame meetings and the "go-getter" attitude the other people in the office had
Me: hahah
Me: really?
Ryan: people always trying to get you "Fired up" made me want to stab them with my product
Me: "You did fire me up to use the knives..."
Ryan: haha yeah
Ryan: and it was all a total pyramid scheme
Ryan: like.. the only reason they wanted you to go out and do well
Ryan: was because they got a percentage of your sales
Ryan: so if you weren't selling much.. they'd sit you down and talk to you and try be all buddy-buddy
Ryan: and it was just really creepy
Me: haha
Ryan: I just got tired of that stupid atmosphere
Me: I can believe it
Ryan: every once in a while the president of the company would come in
Ryan: and give speeches like that one skit from UCB
Ryan: where he's all "I've got a new boat! my new brain is explosive!"
Ryan: the only good thing I got from the damn meetings was our "group" (yeah we were broken up into stupid groups and asked to give ourselves a name) called itself the "sluggers" or some lame shit like that..
Ryan: and one of the guys brought in a baseball bat
Ryan: and now it's in my trunk
Me: I think I've seen that baseball bat
Ryan: yeah
Ryan: I totally stole it from that guy

Sunday, January 28, 2007

beep boop

So I think maybe Nebrasky was sensitive about all the crap I have been giving him about his haircut. Last night he licked his hand and touched my foot, full well knowing I dislike touching people, much less sharing fluids with them.

Now the thing is, I play up the hating touching people for laughs. Actually, I just hate it when strangers touch me or someone touches me in a weird spot or by surprise, and I won't go out of my way to touch others unless there is an obvious reason to. And actually saliva doesn't freak me out too much, the 'phew has sort of desensitized me to it by always wanting to try eating what everyone else has, and then gets various residues from what he's been eating on what you're eating. That's actually pretty gross but I go along with it because he's my little nephew. And all the time if I know someone very well and they have something I wonder if it's good, I'll ask to try it (I like to think I'm less gross about it than the 'phew though).

But I certainly didn't like it when he did that, or want him to think that it was just okay to do that to me whenever, so I pretended to freak out, and I went to the sink to wash my foot off. Whereupon he proceeds to hump my back while I have one foot stuck in my sink and can't get away.

Now that was actually pretty hilarious and I didn't mind that much (it's the most man-action I've seen for some time, let me tell you), but I was like, "noooo!" just so he could get whatever reaction he was trying to get out of this whole thing.

"Now we're even," he says.

"Even for what?"

"All those jokes about my hair."

So I guess I will try to not be pissing off Nebrasky in the future, he will apparently avenge himself if he thinks he's being wronged, even if you don't know you're wronging him at the time.

I don't know if he was extra drunk or in a weird mood or what though, because he was apparently getting uncomfortably handsy with YM too last night.

But yeah, not many people came to my "party" last night, not that I'm upset, it's pretty last minute. But there were two of YM's friends I met, who seem pretty nice, and Rob as well as YM and Nebrasky. All in all a good time was had.

Oh here's something weird, though. My creepy across the hall neighbor came and asked us to keep it down. Okay, that's not the weird bit. I mean, I'm not quite sure why he picks now after months of me playing my music pretty loudly (I would really cease this if people complained, I know what it's like to live next to an asshole who won't stop the music). But I figure that's alright and say I'll do it. And he's like, "I have to go to church early tomorrow." Okay, I don't really care, but somewhat on topic. I try to tell him I'll keep it down and say goodbye. Then he starts telling me how he's out of work and our landlord is being really good to him. What? I tell him that's too bad, and I can tell he's about to start in again and I'm like, "I'llkeepthemusicdowngoodbye." and basically close the door in his face. I really thought I'd gotten rid of him with the whole mail thing, but it seems like he's trying to buddy up to me again lately.

Anyway, after having hung out with YM I feel like I have finally made inroads among the cafe people. The best of the cafe people (and I'm not just saying that because she reads this ting), even. And maybe even among YM's friends. And I have actually renewed my lost hope in the man clique taking me in. Popularity, here I come!

Today was pretty good, my parents bought me stuff at sams, bought me lunch and dinner, and then I went over to Thug's and watched me some Chappelle's Show. I'd forgotten how damn hilarious it was.... but now I remember!

Friday, January 26, 2007

the morning papers made the most out of nothing at all

Good day. Finally have my bookshelf built! And seriously, my dad and I are great at building things together. We are three times as strong together as each one of us would be by him/herself. And not near as angry as the Mom & I combo.

Then we saw Pan's Labyrinth. We'd actually wanted to see Children of Man, but there was something wrong with the theater or something. I have to say, Pan's Labyrinth is everything a grown-up fantasy movie should be. Which... is nice, there's really very few. The only other half-decent fantasy movies in recent years for grown ups I can even come up with off the top of my head that have come out in a long time are LOTR. And I felt even the II and IIIrd were kind of phoning it in. So as long as you don't mind subtitles, you're golden.

And then dinner at Los Potrillos with him & Mom. Deeeeeeeelectable.

screaming infidelities!

I forgot, the best part of my day was going out to dinner with my sister and her family at the new hot dog place in downtown normal. You know it's a great dining experience when the staff insists on playing Dashboard Confessional the whole time you are there. Seriously, I'm not making this up, it was hilarious.

Maybe Nebrasky, with his new emo haircut (I'm a jerk and insist on calling him "Fallout Boy Star Pete Wentz" now) should go work there.

Smeared black ink

Me: how's your day been other than that?
YM: I don't know Phoe, nothing gets better than Frito feet.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

with my friends I have so much pleasure to embrace

I wonder if I'm getting a cold. I had a cough from my last cold that seemed to be lingering for awhile, but now it's getting worse again. Also I'm so tired... I woke up this morning, and stayed laying down for half an hour. I took a shower, laid down for half an hour. I ate, laid down for half an hour. I mean to clean, as I am apparently having people over on Saturday, not to mention my dad coming over to help me assemble my bookshelf tomorrow. But.... yeah.

In other news, I talked to the DN's RE: tips for the toilet seat project. It was actually pretty hilarious, I called because BDN is always doing home improvement-y stuff, and I'm thinking of incorporating polyurethane or some other laquer so that cleaning this thing afterwards is not a nightmare. I was wondering if I had to have any special brush or something. GDN actually, as an artist, knew more about this and was a great help. Also BDN advised I should incorporate some mudflap style naked ladies into the design, and I'm really thinking about it. GDN knows about some stuff you can print on, and if you put water on it it sticks? It is all going to be very classy.

All in all, this thing is getting a little too expensive, but I'm still committed.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

lets get drunk and burn away the past

So apparently I'm hosting a party on Saturday. Today Bling came up to me and was like, "So you're having a party without me on Saturday? I can't believe it! The Neev told me about it!"

I feel bad, because she's said before that she feels left out of everything. And, I understand that feeling because I have that feeling all the time, and it sucks. I mean, I'm cooler with it nowadays because I understand they want to have their little man clique, but it used to really bother me when Thug, Nebrasky, Dance Whore, and Explosion would always come into work the day after something they did together and talk about how awesome it was.

But the thing was, I didn't even invite The Neev to this whatever I'm having. YM basically invited me to go shopping and it's spiralled out of my control. I mean, don't get me wrong--I love having people over. I enjoy the Neev and Bling and the assorted people who are apparently going to show up on Saturday. I win. But I basically am like, "What?" Because all I know is that I'm shopping. There's no real plan on what to shop for, this was YM's idea but she doesn't seem to have anything particular in mind. I do want to shop for rhinestones and possibly some sort of shellac or varnish, because I really am going to put "for the fellas!" on the bottom of my toilet seat.

So yes. You know it's a party when the host is shellac-ing their toilet seat.

I want to taste the breeze of every great city

Me: so guess what I'm going to do saturday
Ryan: what?
Me: I'm going to glue rhinestones to the underside of my toilet seat and write "for the fellas"
Ryan: haha
Me: I'm tops at classiness
Ryan: it's true

Sunday, January 21, 2007

I'm spreading my disease

YM: I've been making "your mom" jokes all day so I should be as good as you soon.
Me: haha yay!
YM: There were some gasps occasionally but mostly laughter.
Me: I'm proud of you, protege
YM: I learn from the best. bows to you in an oriental manner
Me: why thank you
Me: can I call you grasshopper?
YM: You can call me anything you want, master.
Me: that's what your mom said to me last night
Me: then she added, "but I prefer "dirty whore""
YM: Haha
Me: a-thank you, a-thank you

The sad thing is, the other day people were telling me I should do stand up comedy, so the whole day today I've had stupid stand up routines going through my head.

A lot of them revolve around poo.


So I'm coming into work on my day off. I'm such the bitch. Not only that, this is the week I'm using up my 6 hrs of vacation time. So... technically no vacation. Though I guess I will be getting more pay.

I would've absolutely not done it if boss-boss had called.

But it was Nebrasky. Who I might've also said no to if he wasn't pleading desperately on behalf of Lister.


Plus I wasn't doing anything. I made plans with my parents, who canceled. Which EVERYONE has been doing lately, and I hate it. I end up doing nothing fun OR productive on my day off that way. Seriously, I keep things open for all these indecisive people, and then they just end up being like, "Nevermind." I am really getting tired of it, and I don't know what to do. So I guess I might as well be in this annoying position while getting paid.

uh ohs

Sista: are you bisexual and why are you playing D*D?
Me: haha I'm not my character is, and I'm doing it so I can be a minja
Sista: hahah
Sista: okay
Me: If I were bi, I totally would've told you by now
Sista: haha
Sista: awesome
Me: because I'd totally be hitting that
Sista: thanks
Sista: that is nice of you to say
Me: you're welcome
Sista: so when you play D*D if there are any desperate 25-35 year old men.. slightly desperate... looks like they bathe daily... mildly humerous men.. give em' my number
Me: haha okay
Me: I get first pick though :P
Sista: that is fine
Sista: gamers LOVE me
Me: I actually think all but one of the dudes I'm playing with is married though, and I have no idea what he's like
Sista: thats your man
Me: haha I've not ever met him
Sista: where did you get involved with this?
Me: my downstairs neighbors
Sista: is it with larry?
Sista: they look like gamers
Sista: no offense
Me: HAHA no but I would SO play D & D with larry if I got the chance
Sista: i like gamers
Me: yeah, I am actually probably just not one yet by accident
Me: it was a foregone conclusion that I someday would be rolling weird dice
Me: I'm finally meeting my destiny, Sista
Sista: i'm so proud
Me: haha you should be
Sista: and by meeting your destiny you will undoubtly meet your true love
Me: evs

Saturday, January 20, 2007

the point of a gun was the only law that liberty understood

I just realized...

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance by Gene Pitney is the greatest song EVER.

I thought god shaved your head, daddy

So Opt's going away part-ay r0xx0red. I'm glad I stayed for the whole thing, even though it meant only getting two hours of sleep last night. It's kind of weird... I wasn't that cranky. If I little to no sleep one night, I feel a lot better than if I get about 4-6. I don't know why...

Also, apparently I was hilarious last night. People kept telling me I needed my own standup routine, and today people kept saying "you were funny last night!" I'm not sure, though. Maybe it's because they were all drinking. And also I think I went filthier than ever before on the mom jokes, I was trying to impress Rob, who had been dissing Your Mom's your mom jokes. Speaking of which, I think this was the most time I'd ever spent with Rob, and it only cements my opinion that the cafe people seriously rock (Your Mom, Bling, Baby Stealer, the Neev, all fucking awesome people) and I need to somehow insinuate myself into their collective since not as many cool people have been hired on the book side lately, and all my old friends are moving away. I'm just so lazy and full of social anxiety, though, which is why I have not tried harder before now.

Herd and I are going to dye our hair together sometime. I don't know if this is for real, just something you agree to at a party, but I actually do want to do it. I've actually wanted to dye my hair some weirdass color since like high school and circumstances are constantly thwarting me. And for some weird reason Herd is dying his hair because he's going bald or something? It sounded like a rockin' time, though. I'm going to have to badger him until he breaks down and agrees to do some crazy hair dyeing with me.

Opt bought me some pirate's booty last night, which was pretty hilarious. And tasty. And she kept saying it was vegan, but it has cheese. I guarded it from stealing by other people.

Speaking of booties, I've been dethroned from the great ass title, Your Mom apparently has a better one, mine is larger and misshapen. Opt was the judge that declared this. I ask you, how qualified of a judge is the one woman on earth without an ass?

It was good times all around. I'll miss her, though (for all that she's not quitting yet, and is actually crashing on my couch on Monday).

Friday, January 19, 2007

good times

These are excerpts from an email I sent to a friend that amused me enough I am posting them here too:

"Yeah, I feel the same way about retail (that it sucks but I get great stories). I mean, even today, I had this crazy-ass dude buying a huge stack of porn, and I get through nearly the entire transaction without having to look him in the face (I tend to do that even with non creepy people) and he's like, "Baristas? they pour coffee right?" (we had a sign up that says "now hiring baristas") and I look up to answer him, and he looks EXACTLY like how you'd expect a middle aged man buying an enormous stack of porn to look like (creepier, even, he had this trucker hat and vacant stare), and I just pictured him pouring coffee for people at our cafe in my head, and I almost laughed in his face."

"Baby Stealer today made up two hilrious songs on the spot about hot pockets and orthopedic shoes. The orthopedic shoes one I loved particularlly, because it's all calm and mellow and thanking the shoes for making feet not hurt and then just all the sudden is like all angry and, "but my feet do hurt sometimes anyway BECAUSE I'M ON MY FEET ALL GODDAMNED DAY." "

Thursday, January 18, 2007


So yes, I am an uber nerd. I'm going to start playing D & D. Well, not D & D. Tri-stat. Which is another RPG. So equally as nerdy but slightly more obscure, so perhaps more nerdy? But the obscureness means it's less scoffed at. Who knows, dude, all I care is that I get to be a Minja (midget ninja) as per my declaration, "I would totally do D & D if I could be a Minja."

Somehow I ended up ripping off a whole stable of comic book characters, though. I intentionally ripped off Nightcrawler because I wanted to bamf! I accidently ripped off Magneto because I wanted the minja to be able to pick up Ninja throwing stars after throwing them so the minja is never out of ammo. Somehow I ripped off Bullseye because I wanted to be good at throwing knives. But I don't count that as much because I barely even know who Bullseye is, much less like him enough to want to rip off his powers. And I think there was one more in there but I can't remember. I was afraid this might be powerplaying, but I was told it wasn't.

Also my character has no discernable gender, is bisexual, hates samurai, hates phonies, hates children, likes dancing, has a one armed ninja nemesis, and is kind of a douche. It's kind of like looking in a mirror.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


You know, there are definitely worse things in the world than having difficult veins to draw blood from. Colitis, for instance. Abusive parents. Being mauled by a bear. Living in a hut in a third world country with no food and dirty water. Scads of other things, too.

But it's hard to remember that when you're terrified of needles and they're coming at you for the fourth time with one because they fucked up the other three times.

So yeah, after the blood test I went in for today (just routine colitis stuff, at the time I felt rather lucky to have a bloodtest instead of a colonoscopy) I feel spindled and mutilated and abused and resentful. If this had been just a couple years ago, I would've flipped out on the people and started crying and hyperventilating and refusing to be stuck again after the second time (like I did the first time I had to get blood taken). But I guess I've grown since then, for whatever that's worth.

Still, I wish I would've put up a little more of a fight and/or insisted on the best person they have, like I have in previous times. My mom has difficult veins too (though I'm beginning to think I'm worse than even her--ask me about how many times they had to stick me when I had my gallbladder out) and she will only give the person one try, and if they can't get it, get someone else. But I don't know if you've ever noticed from my descriptions of her, my mom's a little bit of a jerk. So... in interests of not being a jerk, I didn't do that, though I kind of wish I had now. Because I'm sure this woman was competant for anyone who doesn't have incredibly shitty veins, but I do have incredibly shitty veins, and she was not good at all at getting them. Anyway, she kept digging around, which is what I hate the most. I kept giving out little gasps when she was moving it around, and most of the time it didn't hurt that much, but she kept having to ask and I kept having to say, "uh, that one didn't hurt that much I just hate needles (and you)."

Anyway, after the second time I was going to ask for someone else, but then she called someone else in to help her, and I thought that woman was going to do it, but they suckered me, I just got the bad one again. And then finally the good one did do it in my hand and it worked. And she told me to make people do it in my hand from now on, but I really don't want them to blow the vein if they are like the first woman and are incompetant with shitty veins like mine (which is easier to do in the hand), because that's just all I need to make my horrifying needle stories complete.

Me: haha, I just noticed that working at the store has eradicated all "the's" and "a's" from me
Ryan: :X
Me: Like... whenever I say the title of a cd or book or movie or band, I never put in the the's or a's
Ryan: articles are for wusses
Me: because the program we use to look things up doesn't accept them
Me: so I call the Strokes "strokes"
Ryan: haha
Ryan: that could get kind of annoying
Me: and The Day After Tomorrow "day after tomorrow"
Me: yeah, I bet it does
Me: it's worse when the the's are in the middle of the title
Me: like Madeleine L'Engle's A Wind In the Door
Me: I totally call it Wind in Door now
Ryan: haha
Me: sad but true
Ryan: that's pretty bad

what I do late at night

Sista: retail is a punishment i have recieved from ill doings in my past life
Sista: i've decided
Sista: i must have been a nazi or something horrible
Me: wow
Me: me too
Me: I must've been even worse
Me: because I have colitis too
Sista: wow
Sista: you might have been one of hitlers leading men
Me: haha goddamnit
Me: do you think I'm rommel or goering?
Sista: rommel
Me: that's slightly better I guess
Sista: i was hoping that would be the case
Sista: there are people out there that are so stuck in retail that they must have done something REALLY bad like be the eviler hitler associates
Me: haha
Sista: hahha
Me: man this might be going to far

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

be careful

So I forgot to mention, the other night my crazy across the hall neighbor with all the model trains stopped me before I could get into my apartment yesterday to warn me to be careful about some kids who graffitied a garage near here.

I am not exactly sure why I should be careful about. Are they graffiting humans now? Because that's about all I got, except for my car. And there's nowhere else to put my car, considering THE PARKING SPOT I SHOULD HAVE HAS A TRAILER FULL OF MODEL TRAINS IN IT. Gee, I wonder whose fault that is.

I guess he thinks the 14 year olds who clearly did this might graduate to muggings? Then I got to discussing this with my crazy downstairs neighbor with all the knives, and he offered to let me borrow one of his knives. That made a whole lot more sense, though I still declined.

Monday, January 15, 2007

*quiet sobbing*

What am I doing with my life?


Me: (to Kevin) You know that online reserve you had the other day that you were making fun of because the guy reserved whatever it is at like 2 a.m.? He came in and made me spend 20 minutes looking for his DVD in section, and then finally says, "well, I reserved it last night." I wanted to punch him in the face, but instead I explained to him I couldn't find it where I was looking, because we had already pulled it and put it back behind the registers for him, as per his request.
Renegade: We should be allowed to stab people.
Me: tell me about it
Kevin: could we stab them with the phone?
Renegade: Why?
Kevin: It would hurt less.
Renegade: Kevin, that's not really the point of a stabbing.
Me: Also, you know how like, when the person wants something incredibly stupid, it just makes you hate them twice as much?
Renegade: yeah
Me: Well it was a DVD of meatloaf performing Bat Out of Hell.
Renegade: Man, whoever's sitting up at 2 a.m. reserving meatloaf needs help.
Me: By "help" you mean "stabbing," right? Because I totally agree then.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

I am a freak

So I just realized I have 3 blogspots, a livejournal, 2 geocities pages, a deviantart page, a facebook, a myspace, a last.fm, a photobucket. And what's more, I actually use most of them. How much can one person projectile vomit herself into the collective conciousness before there's nothing left?

I guess I'll let you know when I find out. Via blogspot, livejournal, geocities, deviantart, facebook, myspace, last.fm, and photobucket.

Friday, January 12, 2007

I heart AIM

Me: I don't know... I think it's because I have colitis and have seen every shape and form of poo
Me: but I really don't find most poo gross anymore
Me: I mean, I wouldn't want to roll around in it or anything
Me: but it's just kind of like, "oh, there's some poo."
kin: lol
Me: I was talking to my sister one day about that and she says about the same thing about the phew's poo
Me: that it was gross at first but now she's seen so much of it it's like whatever
Me: though it is apparently horrible if the phew is sick and has the runs :P
kin: Yeah, I can imagine.
kin: Nothing like a sack full of runny poo.
Me: hooray!
kin: For a single, horrifying moment, I thought I'd sent that message to the wrong window. =P
me: HAHA

will it blend?

I'm bummed. I was supposed to go down to SPFLD and visit Sista today, but then she had stuff come up. This'll be the second time lately we've had to cancel hanging out together. Other than the fact that she is awesome and I miss her, I kind of had this idea that getting out of town might be nice, even though SPFLD is not really any better than Bizzle-Nizzle. Hopefully we will be able to reschedule.

Evidence of my poor mood, some dude putting crap in a blender did not cheer me up:

Ryan: you know what would make you feel better?
Ryan: some crazy guy putting things in his blender
Ryan: http://www.willitblend.com/videos.aspx?type=unsafe
Me: haha
Me: that dude IS a psycho
Ryan: haha yeah
Ryan: will it blend!?
Me: he must break a lot of blenders
Me: god a middle aged man has to have something better to do with his time
Me: I'm going to be that guy when I grow up
Me: "I have no family or anyone to love me, maybe I will stick shit in a blender"
Ryan: haha yeah
Me: that guy's eventually going to put his hand in there
Ryan: haha
Ryan: he's just going to be so depressed and crazy
Ryan: and be like "what about my hand? will it blend!? muahaha!'
Me: haha
Me: I also want to know what the hell blender he's using
Me: mine won't even do ice very well
Ryan: it's a blendtec blender!
Me: its sad that you know this

Thursday, January 11, 2007

you don't even know, man

Today was pretty good. When boss-boss is gone (which she has been for a little while) and they don't put me at registers excessively, it's easy to forget I hate my job. Which is why, even though I have applied for a lot of other jobs, I am probably not trying as hard as I should.

Anyway, though, the number one reason I had a great day is I basically just blew $10 on monkeys and candy. I used a merch card, but I still feel a little guilty. Other than that, though, I'm incredibly happy. First off: candy, always good. Secondly: MONKEEEEEYS!

One of the monkeys is a keychain/clip on thing that has been around the store since like March, but I keep being like, "even with my discount, even with a merch card, 5 bucks is way too much." But... when I got the other monkey, I couldn't just leave this one behind.

The other one I got, that I HAD to get, is fucking awesome. He's a valentine monkey, so he's pink and he's got a little red tee shirt with a pink heart. But what makes him awesome is he has these huge, round eyes with huge, black pupils, and they're not even aligned quite properly. He lookes like he's coked up out of his mind. All he needs is a little tiny cigarette in one hand and a switchblade* in the other to complete this impression. I see him going, "You have no idea, man! You have NO idea!" and "you don't know what it's like being pink, man people think they can just push you around, man" or, "The cops are always hassling me, man! You gotta get them off my back, man!" and then getting really close to you, looking you in the eye with his crazy eyes, and whispering, "I think I'm going crazy, man."

On top of this, I mentioned all this to Thug, and he was saying that the monkey should say things Tyrone Biggums has said on Chappelle's Show, and it cracked me up. (the picture looks less coked up than the real thing).

I seriously am going to have nightmares tonight about this monkey coming to life and killing me for crack money. But I still had to get him.

Another great thing that happened today (well it doesn't start out great) is Baby Stealer injured herself in the cafe on this steam thing, and had to fill out an accident report. After awhile she got sarcastic and started describing in detail how "the steam wand charred my delicate hand." I dared her to write, "P.S., I love gnomes!" at the end, and she totally DID IT! She is hilarious and awesome.

Me: you know what is extra terrifying?
Ryan: what's that?
Me: there's this hook on the ceiling over my bed, I'm not really sure why, I've never found anything good to put there.

Anyway, I think I want to hang the monkey there so every morning I wake up to his coked up eyeballs staring at me
Me: poised to leap down on me in the middle of the night with his switchblade
Ryan: haha
Ryan: and then Phoe never slept again
Me: haha yeah
Me: I'm thinking of not doing it, though, because the ceiling is pretty far away and he's pretty small, and I can't see him from there that much
Me: haha so I got a string so he can hang down further
Me: and now the monkey hangs like... eerily close
Ryan: haha
Ryan: you're going to wake up and he'll be right up in your face
Ryan: staring at you
Me: I know, it's going to be awesome
Ryan: haha
Me: oh what the hell, I'm going to put the other monkey up there too
Me: he's to calm down the coked up one
Me: now I have two monkeys poised to leap at me in the night
Ryan: you are so dead

* Speaking of knives, I have to mention my downstairs neighbor. Dude is obsessed with knives, has a ton of them around his place. The first time I visited him and girl DN, he was all showing me them and telling me how sharp they are and didn't even realize it was creepy till I pointed it out. Ever since then I give him crap for having too many knives and loving knives too much. Anyway, yesterday, I learned that he carries around on his person at all times the biggest possible knife you can legally keep concealed. I think him and my coke monkey should get together and knock over a liquor store.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

this is what we talk about

Me: haha, I am going to make a new away message
Me: and it's basically going to be the away messages of everyone on my list right now
Me: haha that should be ... interesting
Me: I am drinking heavily on a tuesday night. By myself. Watching movies. I am a loser
I am away from my computer right now.
I am away from my computer right now.
I am currently away from the computer.
I am currently away from the computer.
I'm somewhere in the middle of step 1 and 5 in the whole "denial and acceptance of loss"

Monday, January 08, 2007

I have a confession...

When I say, "do I really want to know?" to people, I mean, "do you really want me to know?" and I always hope the answer is yes.

moooovie talk

Today I feel like rambling about Lady in the Water.

I felt that it was actually pretty good. The main problem is that you have to swallow this crazy premise to actually enjoy the movie. Usually I hate that--my number 1 reason I despise Harry Potter is I just don't find it believable. The characters do NOT act like real people. And people are all, "it's fantasy, they have magic, that doesn't exist either." But I don't think that's any excuse for lazy writing. "Well I want my characters to do this for the sake of the plot, even though it's against their nature in particular, and human nature in general. Well, it's a fantasy, I guess I have license." And I think if Lady in the Water was really popular and people were constantly singing it's praises like Harry Potter, I probably would be like, "Well it has this wrong, this wrong, this wrong." What can I say, I'm ornery.

I think the other thing about it getting horrible reviews is I went in with low expectations. That always makes a movie better, unless the movie is such a piece of dreck that no one could possibly ever love it.

Speaking of expectations, I think one reason people hate it is they want it to be Sixth Sense, or at least Unbreakable. But if you compare his unpopular movies to like, an average hollywood movie, they're usually about as good. People just have higher expectations for this guy, and he lets them down. So yeah, I stand by it: I enjoy a crappy M. Night Shymalan movie better than 50-60% of what else I could be watching at the time.

I also like that most of his premises are just weird. When you watch one of his movies, you know that it's not going to be a story you've seen before repeated. Even though he seems to have thankfully given up his penchant for worse and worse "twists" at the end of every movie, you know it's going to be something fairly unique. A psychiatrist to a child who sees dead people.... who turns out to be dead, himself? A regular guy who finds out he's a superhero, and how that affects his relationship with his son? An alien movie that turns out to have very little to do with the aliens at all but mainly deals with faith and redemption? Some weirdos set up an 18th century village and make up animals to keep their kids from discovering the modern world? A guy finds a woman in the pool and has to help her inspire a guy and then get back to her world on a giant eagle? He's very good at taking a genre movie and cutting away the standard trappings of the genre to reveal the emotion and relationships. I also like to imagine what people think when he tries to get people to fund these movies.

Lastly: I really enjoyed Paul Giamatti, and I'm not really a fan of his to begin with, and I really liked the film critic, both the character and the actor, he's one of those guys you've seen in a ton of small parts and can't quite place.

I got little tiny bug feet

Your Mom: I'm thinking of how to send you the whole CD.
Your Mom: I'll just probably burn you one and make life easier.
Me: yaaaaaaaay!
Me: You win at being my friend!
Your Mom: Woot!!!
Your Mom: Life is awesome!
Your Mom: throws a rock at a small infant
Me: you DOUBLY win at being my friend!

Your Mom: Squirrels?
Me: they're kind of jerks
Me: have you seen one cross a street?
Your Mom: I think they try to commit suicide.
Me: I think they just want to jerk me around
Your Mom: Or, it goes like this: Sq. #1 "Dude, I'll totally give you all my nuts if you cross that road alive." Sq. #2 "Fuck that shit. I want your woman too." Sq. #1 "Whatever man, just do it!" "Fine..." Sq. #2 takes off and gets hit by a BMW..Sq.#1 "Hahaha, fuckin' chump!"
Me: wow
Me: squirrels are like... drunken redneck teenagers
YM: Haha, I agree.
YM: They both climb trees!
Me: hm, that's an aspect of drunken redneck teenagers I had forgotten
Me: their love of trees
Me: you can't celebrate arbor day without seeing at least a few drunken redneck teenagers
YM: We could throw rocks at them!!
Me: Now I know what I'm doing on arbor day

Saturday, January 06, 2007

and isn't that what life is all about, really?

Me: is there any stolen music you'd like? That's about all that's in my price range, birthdaygift-wise
Nicole: i really like the new decemberists cd
Me: I have the new Decemberists
Me: happy birthday to YOU, friend!
Me: I pass the stealings onto you, the customer
Nicole: hahah

Nicole: i miss it
Nicole: oddly enough
Nicole: i grew to love those teenagers
Me: haha
Me: were you like a mother to them?
Nicole: i was like the older drunk sister
Me: haha
Nicole: that they wanted to be just like
Me: Way to be a role model, nicole
Me: as your elderly cat lady friend who gives you solace and inspiration, I'd like to say I'm very proud of you, the older drunk sister
Nicole: i do try and thank you for that
Me: you're welcome

Also I've drawn something lately, and obtained a cheap photoshop knockoff, made some desktop wallpapers awhile ago, and forgot to mention. Pret-ty snazzy, if I do say so myself.

Friday, January 05, 2007

riding on the avalanche

So... I guess I've learned from my prior mistakes.

I spilled a milkshake all over my kitchen floor. And everywhere else in my kitchen. This thing exploded.

But I didn't try to vacuum it like with the shredded cheese incident of several months ago.

So yes, I am about to mop my floor for the first time ever. While I'm sick, the goddamn milkshake was for my sore throat to begin with.

Thanks, klutziness!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

my throat hurts

I feel crappier today than I did yesterday. Though... yesterday I stayed home and slept half the day and the rest of the day I didn't have to use my sore throat to explain our rewards program seventy times to stupid hard-of-hearing people and explain to not hard of hearing people just stupid people that if I search the word "dogs" I will get 2,807 titles to come up, so whatever dog book it is she's looking for, I can't just automatically know what it is psychically.

Seriously though, I'm worried it's Pharingitis again (basically my throat infected) like last year. Real colds I start coughing, it runs it's course, I'm done. Last year, this thing just wouldn't get better or go away until I got antibiotics. And my throat hurt really bad, that goddamn chloroseptic stuff everyone says does miracles does nothing, both last time and this time. Which would mean a stupid 5 hour long trip to a doctor, thus ruining a day off or making me have to call in again.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

like a 25 cent game

I've been having a lot of strange dreams lately.

A few nights ago, I dreamt that Kevin from work was dead. He'd gotten sent over to Iraq or something... I dunno. It was like the saddest dream ever, though. Other people from work and I cried and cried in the dream and were all, "How could they send Kevin to war? He's the kindest person ever! He wouldn't hurt a fly! Now he's dead! Damn you, George W. Bush!"

Then the next night, I kid you not, I dreamt that the same man was a serial killer. Really, really, creepy horrible dream. I woke up in the middle of the night and could not sleep again until I got up and made sure there were no serial killers in my kitchen or bathroom.

Then last night I just randomly dreamt that there was this child molester on the loose (thankfully, Kevin did not make a third appearance in this dream, though actually Hootie was in it, she was somehow in the town I was and I was asking her for help) and I had this little kid I had to keep away from the molester. And at first this was like, a one on one thing where we were hidden in a shed or something and the molester was trying to find us and when he did he beat me up, but then we somehow ended up on the run, crossing state lines and all sorts of crazy crap.

Then today after I got up, I felt like crap so I called in sick. I took some nyquil and went back to bed, and I spent hours in this half asleep doze thing where I kept combining work people and situations from Firefly (I've been watching it on DVD a lot the last few days).