Saturday, March 29, 2008

we've got something hateful on our minds

Hell is...

...staying 40 minutes late at a job you hate to fill out a form, and the reason it takes so long is because after every blank you fill in, you have to go and take a massively painful shit. Thanks, colitis!

Purgatory is probably having my goddamn neighbors. When I started feeling a little better after the shitfest, I went to take a shower, and I felt like listening to music. I didn't have it on loud, but I had it on louder than the whisper they apparently require me to have it at. Anyway, since I was in the shower and didn't want to dry off and get clothes on just to talk to this motherfucker, I just turned the music off. I'm thinking, though, of starting to listen to music at a louder, but reasonable volume sometime when I'm fully clothed and telling this guy off when he comes to complain about it. I'm going to tell him he's a fucking liar, because his kid seems to be napping every time I'm listening to music at anything above 1% volume. In the morning, in the afternoon whenever. But it's never napping late at night when they're talking really fucking loud and I can hear THEM through my floor. Plus babies don't even give a shit about loud music, it's sudden loud noises. If you are the one that hates my music, have the balls to admit it man, stop fucking blaming it on your baby. Either way I hate you.


Terrace said...

wireless headphone hook up for your stereo? seems crazy to have to buy something to shut your neighbor up but it'll be less stress... and you can play it loud enough to drown out what ever you don't wanna hear

Phoex said...

you do have a point. I wonder if those hook up to a computer very well, that's mainly what I listen to my music on.