Tuesday, April 01, 2008

what's up

Man... I wonder if in the last few weeks I've become borderline agoraphobic or something. Though, I hate to use that word, since I know someone actually agoraphobic, and it's a real problem, whereas I'm probably just lazy. Anyway, I've just noticed I don't really want to go out anywhere anymore if I'm alone. There are errands that I've been putting off months, literally. Even simple ones like going somewhere a block away for just one thing. Even fun things that require going somewhere I put off or don't do at all. I don't know, maybe I'm crazy. Even though it is getting better, it IS cold still, and I've always hated going out in the cold. It just always seems like going out is going to take this monumentous amount of energy that I just don't have when I'm alone.

Oh well, I'm probably full of it.

In other news, I'm pregnant. And now you can say you've seen the april fools joke with the least amount of effort put into it ever.


Anonymous said...

so funny story i had my first preggo scare these past couple weeks.. it was pretty legit but whatever.. at 12:02am on this april fools day.. i went to the toilet to tinkle and to my suprise i started my lady friend.. it was like an april fools blessing. i think god of choice is smiling upon me on this fine day

Phoex said...

Sorry about the scare, but nice to startle people. It's always amusing.

Terrace said...

actually you can develop agoraphobia from circumstances just as much as chemical imbalances and such. You seem to have a touch of it if it doesn't bother you to go out when someone is with you, but there's all differant types of it.

Also, you could be slightly depressed but with all you have going on, I can see that too. Just don't be afraid to allow yourself to feel that way.

Phoex said...

Thanks... I didn't mean to be a douchebag for saying it or anything, but it does seem to be happening. Oh well, who knows.