Friday, March 14, 2008


Another disconcerting thing that's happened recently is... well, I guess this requires a bit of backstory.

One of my nervous habits is, I pick at the skin around my fingers. Sometimes I even dig enough that it will bleed. I've done it as long as I can remember. It's sort of gross (at Borders I'd have to have someone bring me a bandaid at register so I wouldn't bleed all over people's merchandise I was ringing up).

Anyway just last Friday my sister noticed. I thought she knew about it already, having known me all my life. But I guess not. She asked if it was "dry skin," or something and I was just like, "yep." I don't know why I should be offended that she's never noticed, obviously I don't really want to discuss it with people that much. It just seems odd. Her 3 year old son has already noticed on several occaisions. I actually tell the 'phew that I accidently cut myself, but he still makes a federal case out of it ("owie! you have an owie!") and will kiss it better for me. Oh well. I miss that kid, by the way. My sister seems to only bother to hang out with my parents, and I would just sort of piggyback onto that. Now that Mom's sick... obviously less visits. I need get my butt in gear and schedule some time to hang out with them soon before he forgets who I am.