Sunday, July 08, 2007

sky rockets in flight

Me: oh also I had an ephiphany in the car today
Me: I was listening to some shitty pop song where this dude was enumerating the nice things his girlfriend does for him
Me: and I realized I would be a really awesome girlfriend because I would do awesome things for my man, like have sex in the middle of the day for no reason
Me: but that I would be a really horrible girlfriend, because I would insist on singing afternoon delight the whole time
Ryan: hahah
Ryan: dude
Ryan: it would be worth it
Ryan: guys don't care what's going in their ears while their dongs are going into something pleasant


the becca said...

awwwww.... look!

Ryan classified you as "something pleasant" for a guy's "dong" to "go into".

Has he EVER been that kind to you before?

Kinda gets me all misty. You have such sweet friends.

Phoex said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suibrom said...

Now now.. Don't be jealous. We both know you just wish my "dong" would "go into" your "pleasant place."
What with calling your boyfriend my name and all. ;D

Phoex said...

man, that's retarded. If I had known it left "this user has deleted their comment" up there I would've just left it "test" as originally intended (ryan was trying to make his comment and complained it wasn't working) Anyway, I leave you two to discuss this issue :P