Tuesday, July 24, 2007

kids are making out in the street!

Sometimes, I forget that Paul Walker is in the best movie of all time. Also, some random dudes from Buffy, Vampire Slayer. Also, how much I used to like Tobey Maguire before he started trying to be cool.


the becca said...

aren't you also a "she's all that" fan, or is that where this line of thought came from?

and those random dudes from Buffy are both pretty lame (hateRiley). Well, Danny Strong is ok, and he's in Gilmore Girls which some people like, but he's no Tom Lenk (the toga-wearer who did a spot in Transformers). Did I mention I hate Riley? but he's a perfect fit for pleasantville... very... naive.

Phoex said...

1) I'm not a big fan of She's All That, but I am a Matthew Lillard fan, so if it's on TV or something, I will watch it for him.

2) Eh, I don't think Riley even has a speaking part, and the other guy barely does. I don't particularly like either, (and I HATE Paul Walker, generally. But his character was supposed to be a cheesy fifty's sitcom character, so his poor acting skillz work out).

Seriously, though. Pleasantville = best movie EVAR.

the becca said...

