Monday, July 23, 2007

amazing what a good breakfast pickles make, isn't it?

So I'm thinking of living like a dirty hippie!

I.e. no deoderant for awhile. I could go to a dermatologist, as has recently been suggested to me. Which I should do. And might do eventually. But I'm so lazy... I've been meaning to make an appointment with my regular doctor to see if I have thyroid disease for about five years now. I've been meaning to call my dentist for two months now (and I actually love my dentist's office).

But I figure if I wash regularly and, as is my wont, never engage in physical activity, I will probably be alright? We'll see, I guess. Otherwise I'll have to invest in some pachouli and a hemp vest.

I did it because I think the "natural" stuff I started using was making them worse, or at least slowing them down at getting better. So there you go.