Today was actually pretty decent. Which is like a red letter day for me, compared to the days I have had recently. I dunno, for whatever reason, when I woke up today, I felt less crappy than I have the last few mornings. Though... I do admit I had a weird twinge of pain in my side at one point, and I seriously thought, "Please, all that's good and holy, let it be appendicitis so I can avoid work the next week or so." And.... well... that's pretty bad. I've had gallbladder surgery and it was, no exaggeration, the most traumatic experience I've ever had. And I know someone else who had their appendix out, and it sounded as bad or worse than my gallbladder. And I still apparently would rather do that than my job.
Anyway, on top of that, I only had one hour at registers the entire day. That is just... wow. I generally have to be up there more than that most days, even not during christmas. On top of that, we were really well staffed, so I got a chance to actually get a little work done. And man.... SO less tiring. I mean, the last two nights (and I know Sunday is a little slower, but still) all I could think of the whole day was about getting home and doing absolutely as little as possible. This is why I still hadn't cleaned up after my party, like the cards from the game we were playing that night are still on my coffee table.
Also, we got free pizza at work today!
Then my dad took me out to see Deja Vu and it was a lot better than I thought it would be (though not a life changing event or anything, I'm glad I saw it on his dollar, not mine). And now I have my day off tomorrow. Win.
In other news I think I am going to make/post nicknames for those I haven't done so for thus far:
-Bling for this chick at the cafe. She was showing us all her "bling" which was apparently this piece of crappy dollarsign jewelry Babystealer got from a vending machine at pizza hut and had left at the cafe this morning with a note that says, "here is your delicious bling." She's been hilarious lately, both today at lunch and at my party the other night. Today her, Renegade, and I were discussing weird stores that call themselves "shoppes" and getting drunk on rum and eating noodles.
-Your Mom for another chick at the cafe who is also really awesome. I use this as her nickname because I find her one of the most amusing challengers to the "your mom" joke thing I have going on. Sure, they're not as creepy as mine. Sure they're not as disgusting as Thug's. Sure, they're not about her own mom, like Opt's. But her your mom jokes have a special place in my heart.
I guess I am going to put a couple of the temps up too, just because I want to complain about one of them in particular. I only really work with two of them, though, so I'm not bothering with the other two that I don't even know their real names.
-Stupid for the temp I called stupid the other day. I actually like Stupid despite myself. Opt said he looked 40 the other day, and was telling us to call him that to bug him because it annoys him. So I told him that and he said, "Opt can kiss my 40 year old ass" and it cracked me up. Also today I was standing right by his cup, and he just reached over for it, looked me in the eye, and said "yes..." Mr. Burns-style. And he also seems competant. But the reason I call him stupid is the earlier incident.
-Annoying is for the temp I dislike. I don't know... he doesn't have anything specific I can point to and say is jerk-like, but he annoys me.
Anyway, I don't know if I've mentioned it on here before, but I kind of made a resolution to avoid talking to the temps just because I knew I would be a jerk to them because I secretly hate them for how boss-boss fucked me when she hired them, and it's not their fault. Yeah... this resolution pretty much went out the window. For one thing, I really suck at not talking. For another thing, you do have to communicate with people you work with all the time. So if one of them asks me for help or something I can't very well just not tell them.
So since Stupid is fairly competant and seems like a cool person, I am able to be nice to him. But yeah, I think Annoying probably dislikes me and/or knows I dislike him, because I've been kind of testy with him. Which I hate, Sexy's about the only coworker I've had that I've really made my dislike clear with, and I feel more and more bad about it since he's been nice to me lately. I don't really want to be a jerk to someone else who might turn out okay in the end.
In other news, I may or may not be tutoring a child soon. Yeah... um.... yeah. My old neighbors stopped in the store yesterday, and asked if I would be willing to tutor her cousin's son or something like that. I am not quite sure why I immediately sprang to mind... I guess I am smart, and poor, and don't have kids of my own to deal with. But it just seems really random. They're supposed to call me about it with more details at some point.
I'm going to let you guys know about my secret kryptonite as long as you promise not to use it against me, though. Here it is: if you ask me for a favor when I am too busy or surprised to think about it, I will say yes. I don't know why. I just do. And then most of the time I feel too guilty to renege on the agreement later.
So yeah, I really don't want to tutor a child. I mean, this kid's 13, so it's not like I'd have to know anything about children or have to help him make poopie or anything, but still. Actually teenagers are more annoying than children most of the time. But also I don't know what the hell a tutor does. I think I know more than a 13 year old child, but I don't know how I would impart this info better than the teacher who obviously isn't doing that well if the kid is doing poorly in school. So am I just someone they're going to pay to make sure the kid does his homework? I am half-annoyed at these people without having even met them for not trying to help their kid with his homework themselves. Because they can't know less about it than I do, that's for sure.
I dunno. Maybe I'll just cite my crazy-ass schedule as a reason not to do this thing. Or set a high price, and if they want to pay it, it'll actually be worth my while and if they don't I can just say no.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
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