Saturday, December 16, 2006

I hold you from the things you hate

I think the fact that I've started to cry every day is probably not a good sign.

In other news, I have a weird fascination with bots. AIM has a Santa bot (apparently for awhile now but this year is when I first noticed), and I found out last week it listens to "Wham!" Today I had some interesting exchanges with it:

Me: I hate you
SantaClaus: Hey. Its you again. You spreading that Christmas spirit? :-)

SantaClaus: Have you done any good deeds yet this holiday season?
Me: no
SantaClaus: Whoa! That's not cool. Please try to remember others during this holiday season. There are many places on the Internet you can search to find ways to get involved with giving time, money or your stuff.

Now type SL to make a Shopping List -- and I think you should add the needy to yours!
Me: preachy bastard, aren't you?
SantaClaus: Hmm, that's a lump of coal for you.
Me: bite me
SantaClaus: Why did you say that?
Me: because I want you to bite me
SantaClaus: I've noted it. Anything else?
Me: you should also suck it

Me: poo
SantaClaus: Interesting. Type menu.
Me: poo
SantaClaus: Type menu to get your to do list for the holidays.
Me: poo
SantaClaus: Take a moment, collect your thoughts, and try asking me another way. O.K. ?
Me: poo
SantaClaus: Hmm. Why don't you type, music, maybe that will put you in the Christmas spirit :-)
Me: poo
SantaClaus: Alright now. I'm here to spread Christmas cheer -- so use this time wisely and type carefully. Here's quick way to get in the Christmas spirit; type, menu.
Me: poo
SantaClaus: Ah -- you've got me again. Why don't you type menu, it's time to get you in the holiday spirit!
me: poo
SantaClaus: Why did you say that?
Me: poo
SantaClaus: Excuse me?
Me: poo
SantaClaus: Can I ask YOU something?
Me: poo
SantaClaus: May I ask you a question?
Phoemeister: yes
Me: Which color are you more partial to? You know, like if it were clothing or something.
Someone asked to find out for them. :-)
1 -- Black
2 -- White
3 -- Rose
4 -- Beige

Me: poo
SantaClaus: Oh well. Never mind then.