Friday, June 15, 2012

So I went to a job interview yesterday wearing flip flops.  Yes, it was a tremendously stupid accident.  I just don't really think about my feet much, I guess.  I noticed it AFTER I was there and spent the rest of the time thinking "please please please don't look at my feet," and trying to walk without making the flip flop noise.

Also humbling:  last time I was at Sam's club I bought some baby wipes.  They didn't have grown up ones in stock and they are the same thing, basically.  And its way cheaper to buy in bulk.  I know who I am, I tell people who I am, I am the lady who has to bulk buy wipes because she has enough diahrea she gets chafed if she uses normal tp.  But I cracked 'er open today.  Did the package REALLY need to come with a free sample of diapers?  I died inside, just a little bit.