Friday, June 19, 2009

This week has not been kind to me. It's been fraught with headaches & colitis issues galore. Headaches are the weather (it seems like they never go away), don't know what the colitis probs are. Plus it seems like there's more blood in my stool than usual (yes, I am just as disturbed as you are that that sentence correctly implies I have a "usual" amount of blood coming out of my anus) which worries me. If I can't get the blood to stop by Sun, I've decided I'm going to get my poop doctor to see me. Which, I am not looking forward to, because he'll probably want to do a colonoscopy. Which, unlike most people, I'm not that worried about having stuff put up my butt. They do it while I'm unconscious. It's the laxatives & endless water poos leading up to the event. So hopefully: I can get the blood issue resolved on my own.

This week's been busy for work-related development, which makes me fairly happy in general. In toastmasters, I'm one project away from my Competent Leader award. That last project is mentoring, which I had to do speeches to be eligible for. I did 2 speeches this week, so I should be eligible for that now. That also puts me only 5 speeches away from my Competent Communicator award. I was also elected to be an officer, which I just have to do for 6th months and I automatically get my Advanced Leader Bronze award. All this stuff looks really good for getting promoted.

Then, I've met with my mentor in Subrogation the first time this week. I really want to go into subrogation, so she's giving me information on what I have to do to make that happen, and could probably help me network or get some job shadowing in.

Then, I had 2 promotion interviews yesterday. To be honest: not sure how hot I did on either. But there's always a chance. The first was for sub, which as I said I really want to do. The second was for ACC which I don't want to do that badly, but IS a promotion and would be easier to be promoted from than my current position. I actually did worse on that interview, but there's like 6 positions available, so who knows.

What I really need to work on is my AIC (designation that makes you look good for claims, which both sub and the ACC job would be). You have to take 4 tests, one each quarter. I passed my first test but sat the last two quarters out because I was so busy with various other things (not to mention my laziness). It's a pain in the ass, because you do it all on your own time, but I want to look like I can be self motivated and follow things through. So hopefully in the next few days I'll start that up again for this quarter and kick the second test's motherfucking ass!

I wish I could talk to my supervisor a little more about some of this stuff (the interviews especially, she is a help with) but she's actually out sick right now. She needs her gallbladder out. I told her I had mine out and said how much I felt better afterwards. But I didn't tell her the whole process was the worst week of my life at the time (it might still be the worst, I have difficulties deciding if those actual physical problems I had then or the emotional problems I had last year were worse). I don't feel like this is a lie of omission though, because I had a lot of complications I already know she doesn't or likely won't have (the orig. misdiagnosis, difficult veins for them to find for IV's and blood tests, the vicodin allergies) which are what made the whole thing so miserable.