Wednesday, May 27, 2009

So I spent the morning crying because my rabbit doesn't like me. The reason I got a pet was so that I wouldn't have to feel lonely all the time, and I could have someone to love me that won't gradually drift away or move away. I like dogs, but we can't have them in our building. Cats seem to be like russian roulette, they can be absolutely crazy at their worst, and at best seem kind of indifferent to people. And then I met someone's rabbit and it seemed like it liked people so I got one of my own. I guess I fucked up and didn't realize they can have very different personalities, just like cats.

So anyway 007 is not afraid of me at all, he'll walk right up to me (usually when I'm laying in between him and the carpet and he wants to get to the carpet). But if I try to pet him he goes away. He doesn't like being held, and has now started biting me. It doesn't really hurt that much, he doesn't have sharp teeth like a cat or dog, but it hurts my feelings. I've tried to make him stop, using methods the lady who gave him to me said, and from house rabbit society, but it hasn't made him stop.

I'm not going to get rid of him or anything, I abhor people who abandon pets. And it's not his fault I had unrealistic expectations of him. But it does kind of suck that I have invested and will continue to invest so much time and money taking care of him just to have him dislike me.

This is what the lady I bought him from said, but I don't think she's right, he's clearly not scared of me or anything (Squiggy is what they call 007 over there):

No, you are not bothering me... That's what we are here for!

Remember, he is a rabbit not a dog and while rabbits can have a very social personality and enjoy being petted (like a dog/cat), not all will. Try talking to him his door and reach in slowly, scratch (or try too) his head just behind his ears. He could be stressed from moving to a new home, but, we might not ever know. It's hard to "read" a rabbits mind!! I have tried but failed! LOL

It may just take time... I mean several months not weeks to get him to trust you. They are prey animals and sometimes find it hard to trust new people right away. There are others like his dad, Squirt, that love EVERYONE!! But again, he is a rarity in the rabbit world :)


Terrace said...

your bunny isn't scared of you, I agree with you there. He's been raised to see people as non predators, so yes, I don't think he's scared of you persay. More of her bad choice of words. I think he's just not used to you yet. From what I know of rabbits, they aren't communal or flock animals. A rabbit warren is more of single rabbit's having their own borrows and all the tunnels sort of intersect. So until he's used to you being part of his enviroment, he's not going to hunt you up for company until he's lonely. He has no instinctual need to be with someone else. That's why cats are sorta hit and miss on craving your company, they are, for the most part, not pack animals. Lions are the exception but evolution wise they are far away from the modern domestic cat that their instincts no longer come into play.

Ok, long comment... stop projecting onto your bunny feelings he's not having! He doesn't hate you or dislike you :-p