I am happy to announce the completion of project I've been working on (no picture, it's a gift I don't want to ruin the surprise).
I am happy to say I took the plunge and decided on a bunny. It sounds like the place I was looking at is great, they take time to acclimate the bunnies to human, so they're calm and used to humans when you get them. Plus, I'm getting a dutch breed. They are so totally the winner in terms of personality as far as I can tell from what I read. Mellow but friendly are their three middle names. The only thing they lose on is lifespan... but I'd rather have a short lived awesome bunny than a dastardly methusalah. So I'm going to have some potty training and house proofing but I can live with that.
Anyway, the one on the left is mine! I won't get him until May because he needs to stay with his mommy until then.
Today I also hung out with my dad, who bought me an outfit for Easter, and I gave him cookies I had made for him.
Yesterday, had my bridesmaid's dress fitting. Not much to say about that other than that it's at least done.
I'm pretty sure I did something Monday, but can't remember it whatsoever.
Over the weekend I hung out with Josh and we did some awesome carcassoning.
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