Thursday, April 30, 2009
I had a dream last night that Lothar, Corey from work, and I were on a hockey team. In a league exclusively for circus employees. I am not kidding... The sad thing is, it was actually a somewhat boring dream.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Almost late for work today... fucked up my alarm.
Had lady troubles.
Got my first voice insult at work in a long time, some asshole woman thought I had hung up (we generally just hit mute and let the caller hang up unless they forget to hang up for a long time) and was like, "God that woman's voice is annoying," and proceeded to do an extremely unflattering imitation of me. I tried to come back on the line and be like, "Is there anything else I can help you with?" which has shamed people in the past, but I think she'd set down the phone and couldn't even hear me.
Jesus christ, people. You are jerks. Except for the people who read the blog, you're my loved ones. So probably no jerks read this so I don't know. People need to stop being assholes to strangers though. For real.
So all in all, not my finest hour.
Had lady troubles.
Got my first voice insult at work in a long time, some asshole woman thought I had hung up (we generally just hit mute and let the caller hang up unless they forget to hang up for a long time) and was like, "God that woman's voice is annoying," and proceeded to do an extremely unflattering imitation of me. I tried to come back on the line and be like, "Is there anything else I can help you with?" which has shamed people in the past, but I think she'd set down the phone and couldn't even hear me.
Jesus christ, people. You are jerks. Except for the people who read the blog, you're my loved ones. So probably no jerks read this so I don't know. People need to stop being assholes to strangers though. For real.
So all in all, not my finest hour.
Monday, April 27, 2009
So today at work Sally made some cat ears to put on her headphones (the ones we have to wear to take calls). It was awesome and I got her to make some to put on mine too. I kept singing, "Cat, I'm a kitty cat! And I dance dance dance, and I dance dance dance." I wanted to say my favorite line, "I say sexy things to myself while I'm daaaaaaaancin," but I was afraid I'd get the looks I got a few days ago when I was shaking my desk to put ripples in my mug of tea and told everyone I was trying to recreate a scene from Jurassic Park. Good times.
The day didn't start out so awesome, though. Woken up at 8 with a call about a pending auto claim. In Phoemeister time, that's like 6. Basically if I didn't call them back (yeah, I didn't answer) by the end of the day they'd just go ahead and pay the other dude. Which is what I wanted them to do so I don't know why they had to call me about it. Esp. since my Dad's the one with his name on the insurance, not me. But I guess I could've disputed that the accident hadn't happened or something. Not sure how, since I struck the dude's parked car on multiple occasions, so I'm 90% sure I DID make the tiny scratch that somehow took $350 bucks to fix ($8 worth of materials, the rest is padding put in by the repair shop, I'm not exaggerating, I saw the estimate). What I really wish is that I could've given the dude $50 to do it himself, but he insisted on going through insurance and I'm not sure if all repair shops are just insanely expensive no matter what or if he picked the most expensive shop he could find just to spite me.
Then, even though I couldn't fall back asleep, I laid down for awhile.... and got a huge headache from the motherfucking loudest mower on earth... I mean, I live on a street full of apartment/condo complexes, and they all have some loud-ass huge industrial mower to mow their one little strip of lawn, but this guy seemed louder than usual and seemed to take forever.
Then... uh, I looked and I actually blogged the other stuff about my day already. True story.
The day didn't start out so awesome, though. Woken up at 8 with a call about a pending auto claim. In Phoemeister time, that's like 6. Basically if I didn't call them back (yeah, I didn't answer) by the end of the day they'd just go ahead and pay the other dude. Which is what I wanted them to do so I don't know why they had to call me about it. Esp. since my Dad's the one with his name on the insurance, not me. But I guess I could've disputed that the accident hadn't happened or something. Not sure how, since I struck the dude's parked car on multiple occasions, so I'm 90% sure I DID make the tiny scratch that somehow took $350 bucks to fix ($8 worth of materials, the rest is padding put in by the repair shop, I'm not exaggerating, I saw the estimate). What I really wish is that I could've given the dude $50 to do it himself, but he insisted on going through insurance and I'm not sure if all repair shops are just insanely expensive no matter what or if he picked the most expensive shop he could find just to spite me.
Then, even though I couldn't fall back asleep, I laid down for awhile.... and got a huge headache from the motherfucking loudest mower on earth... I mean, I live on a street full of apartment/condo complexes, and they all have some loud-ass huge industrial mower to mow their one little strip of lawn, but this guy seemed louder than usual and seemed to take forever.
Then... uh, I looked and I actually blogged the other stuff about my day already. True story.
Had the bridal shower a couple days ago, still have to upload picture. I also got video of Julie opening her gift from me, and she looks sufficiently pleased! Did some preps for the bachelorette par-tay, which should even more sufficiently please her. We also played some battlestar galactica at Lothar's house. I have to say: not as turned on by it as most of them. Maybe if you are a bad dude it's fun, but as a good guy most of your time is spent donating cards to make "checks." IE everyone tosses cards into a pot so that something bad doesn't happen. Then... when the bad things come out everyone dies anyway because things are ludicrously unbalanced.
But, I like making my character make out with other characters and judging the relative hotness of whatever character I'm playing.
Not been doing much else.... really mean to clean but am not (SHOCKING, hearing this from ME!). I guess today is good, Josh emailed me finally after I accidently pissed him off last week. And I talked to Tina for awhile, until my battery died (despite being hooked to the charger while I was talking). She's also started twittering, and through her I found links to Brent Spiner & Nathan Fillion's twitters. I already liked them, but I find Nathan Filion even more awesome now that he makes fart jokes on the internet. Spiner is odd but funny, so pretty much how you would expect, too.
But, I like making my character make out with other characters and judging the relative hotness of whatever character I'm playing.
Not been doing much else.... really mean to clean but am not (SHOCKING, hearing this from ME!). I guess today is good, Josh emailed me finally after I accidently pissed him off last week. And I talked to Tina for awhile, until my battery died (despite being hooked to the charger while I was talking). She's also started twittering, and through her I found links to Brent Spiner & Nathan Fillion's twitters. I already liked them, but I find Nathan Filion even more awesome now that he makes fart jokes on the internet. Spiner is odd but funny, so pretty much how you would expect, too.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Bleh, kind of in a mood tonight. Sort of irritated at some people in toastmasters (not a big deal it'll blow over). I also had a migraine bad enough that I was kind of dizzy and feverish (usually the only symptom I have is the pain).
There were really bad vibes going around at work yesterday.... none of us sniped at each other, but all the people I sit with were mad about one thing or another. Sally was mad at her son, Connie was more than usually angry/upset about customers, and Todd is still butthurt about being kicked off this one committee for no reason awhile ago. I myself was sort of irritated about a continuing project at work that I'm not going into again. Dunno if it's the shitty weather or what.
One nice thing about work is we got to decorate these cardboard eggs for easter. It's lame when you think about it, and a waste of the company's time (they've already let us know they're not going to hire enough people for hurricane season so you'd think they'd be more responsible with money) but I do really enjoy these little seasonal art projects. Ours probably won't be voted "the best" but I think it is anyway. There were a few you could tell people put more money into, but ours looked the most professional, coordinated, and not thrown together as a whim.
We were orig. told it was supposed to resemble our supervisor (though most ended up not looking like a supervisor). I wanted to draw her really ugly and posing sort of as a witch and saying something like, "I'm mean!" in a speech bubble as a joke (I do like her and don't think she's mean at all and she knows it). But I didn't really say this idea because I know if we did it other management might not've taken it too kindly. My other idea was to make something completely BIZARRE like making the egg as the torso of a unicorn with her face stuck on it. But there were other people involved and they didn't want to be weird, which I completely understand. The nice thing, however, was it is still a little weird.... we made the egg into a guy wearing one of our call center headsets, wearing a bunny ears headband, wearing a pink/pastel argyle sweater, with a frenchman's mustache and a bad toupee. I love it.
This weekend I hung with Josh and had a great time. He hates the picture I have of him posted on this blog as eating a carcassonne tile but did not say I had to take it down. I think it looks adorable. And of course we played more Carcassonne... I got one city worth 160+ points. I also got a video of him (well, audio of him, he refused to actually be in the frame) discussing what he hates about various X men characters and goofily singing the X-men (Extra Men according to him) cartoon theme song. But I won't post it, because he hates his voice. I always am amazed when other people (a lot of other people) tell me they hate their voice (I get that it sounds different than when you hear it in your head but still) because they have to know they're saying it to someone who has a way more annoying voice. Seriously: even if you don't personally hate my voice, I have a TON of customers who've told me how much they hate my voice and none of my other coworkers do. So be grateful, motherfuckers!
We played some other games and ate some nice food, too. And we talked a lot which I (obviously) like.
Last Weds my dad and I had stuff done to my car, this regular care is why the Camry holds up so well, I think. That and it has a pretty low mileage for how old it is and Toyota seem to be built well. But car care is important. You put so much money into something like that, spending a few extra bucks is definitely worth it to make it last. Though, I don't know that we had to pay or anything per visit, I think my dad has some walmart tire care package that he bought some time ago that this goes on. I guess it is a pretty sweet package though, I basically got a new tire for free when those jackasses downstairs slashed mine. We hung out and played cribbage, and he wiped the floor with me.
Also last week, not sure when, I finally got some silverware! I needed it badly, I guess I've been accidently throwing away some of it over time or something. And the best part is, I got it for free because I returned this appliance that I didn't want. My dad gave it to me because my mom got it shortly before she got sick and he knows I cook more than him. He's kind of obsessed with getting rid of a lot of her things without letting them be thrown away or go to waste. So I was kind of happy I was able to get rid of it finally but still "get use" out of it way more than I would've even had I kept it.
Last Saturday, I forgot to mention, we did Easter things. It was pretty good, in some ways: the Phew was behaved (for once), the Phew actually enjoyed an activity I put work into preparing for him (for once), decent waffle at IHOP, etc. IHOP did sort of suck though, Phew 2 cried the whole time. I don't know why they take him to restaurants because he obviously hates them. Also I resent things that require me to get up early, and my sister full well knows this but yet still arranged it so I'd have to get up early. But all in all I'd count it as a win, I liked helping the Phew color eggs and running around playing with bubbles with him.
I can't remember what all else I've done since I posted last.... I don't know why I've had blogging dryspells then long recap floods lately.
There were really bad vibes going around at work yesterday.... none of us sniped at each other, but all the people I sit with were mad about one thing or another. Sally was mad at her son, Connie was more than usually angry/upset about customers, and Todd is still butthurt about being kicked off this one committee for no reason awhile ago. I myself was sort of irritated about a continuing project at work that I'm not going into again. Dunno if it's the shitty weather or what.
One nice thing about work is we got to decorate these cardboard eggs for easter. It's lame when you think about it, and a waste of the company's time (they've already let us know they're not going to hire enough people for hurricane season so you'd think they'd be more responsible with money) but I do really enjoy these little seasonal art projects. Ours probably won't be voted "the best" but I think it is anyway. There were a few you could tell people put more money into, but ours looked the most professional, coordinated, and not thrown together as a whim.
We were orig. told it was supposed to resemble our supervisor (though most ended up not looking like a supervisor). I wanted to draw her really ugly and posing sort of as a witch and saying something like, "I'm mean!" in a speech bubble as a joke (I do like her and don't think she's mean at all and she knows it). But I didn't really say this idea because I know if we did it other management might not've taken it too kindly. My other idea was to make something completely BIZARRE like making the egg as the torso of a unicorn with her face stuck on it. But there were other people involved and they didn't want to be weird, which I completely understand. The nice thing, however, was it is still a little weird.... we made the egg into a guy wearing one of our call center headsets, wearing a bunny ears headband, wearing a pink/pastel argyle sweater, with a frenchman's mustache and a bad toupee. I love it.
This weekend I hung with Josh and had a great time. He hates the picture I have of him posted on this blog as eating a carcassonne tile but did not say I had to take it down. I think it looks adorable. And of course we played more Carcassonne... I got one city worth 160+ points. I also got a video of him (well, audio of him, he refused to actually be in the frame) discussing what he hates about various X men characters and goofily singing the X-men (Extra Men according to him) cartoon theme song. But I won't post it, because he hates his voice. I always am amazed when other people (a lot of other people) tell me they hate their voice (I get that it sounds different than when you hear it in your head but still) because they have to know they're saying it to someone who has a way more annoying voice. Seriously: even if you don't personally hate my voice, I have a TON of customers who've told me how much they hate my voice and none of my other coworkers do. So be grateful, motherfuckers!
We played some other games and ate some nice food, too. And we talked a lot which I (obviously) like.
Last Weds my dad and I had stuff done to my car, this regular care is why the Camry holds up so well, I think. That and it has a pretty low mileage for how old it is and Toyota seem to be built well. But car care is important. You put so much money into something like that, spending a few extra bucks is definitely worth it to make it last. Though, I don't know that we had to pay or anything per visit, I think my dad has some walmart tire care package that he bought some time ago that this goes on. I guess it is a pretty sweet package though, I basically got a new tire for free when those jackasses downstairs slashed mine. We hung out and played cribbage, and he wiped the floor with me.
Also last week, not sure when, I finally got some silverware! I needed it badly, I guess I've been accidently throwing away some of it over time or something. And the best part is, I got it for free because I returned this appliance that I didn't want. My dad gave it to me because my mom got it shortly before she got sick and he knows I cook more than him. He's kind of obsessed with getting rid of a lot of her things without letting them be thrown away or go to waste. So I was kind of happy I was able to get rid of it finally but still "get use" out of it way more than I would've even had I kept it.
Last Saturday, I forgot to mention, we did Easter things. It was pretty good, in some ways: the Phew was behaved (for once), the Phew actually enjoyed an activity I put work into preparing for him (for once), decent waffle at IHOP, etc. IHOP did sort of suck though, Phew 2 cried the whole time. I don't know why they take him to restaurants because he obviously hates them. Also I resent things that require me to get up early, and my sister full well knows this but yet still arranged it so I'd have to get up early. But all in all I'd count it as a win, I liked helping the Phew color eggs and running around playing with bubbles with him.
I can't remember what all else I've done since I posted last.... I don't know why I've had blogging dryspells then long recap floods lately.
Friday, April 10, 2009
So I feel like a dick complaining about a blind guy, but here I am, complaining about a blind guy, so I guess I'm a dick. Anyway the blind dude who occasionally used to get a ride home from me comes up to me, and I know he's going to ask for a ride. I get ready to tell him I'm busy tonight. And then he says that the friend he usually has drive him home is going to be off doing something for three months and basically wants me to do it. Even though I think he's a douchebag for other reasons, he did at least ask in a nice way. So I told him it is kind of out of the way for me (i.e. it adds an hour to my journey home cause I gotta wait 15 minutes cause we don't get off at the same time, and then he lives the exact opposite side of town both work and I are located) and maybe I'd do it sometimes but I don't want to do it regularly because I am sometimes busy after work. I wish I had the balls to just say, "No, never again, I used to do it once in awhile because I thought you were nice, but now I know you're a dick." Whatever.
In happier news, I am trying to decide what my bunny's name should be. Technically, he already has a name, "Squiggy," that the people who are selling him to me gave him, but if I buy a baby bunny I feel like I can rename him. Here are some names I can't decide between, but I think they're awesome.
--Spinkl (it's actually from a vanity plate I saw once. I just like saying it!)
--Pony (obvious reasons there)
--Gipper (he's a dutch bunny, dutch=reagan=the gipper)
--007 (dutch bunnies kind of look like they're wearing tuxedos)
I had even more but forgot some. I'll add them if I remember.
Also, if I had two rabbits, I'd get one white one named "ice" and a black one named "hammer." Because I'm like that.
In happier news, I am trying to decide what my bunny's name should be. Technically, he already has a name, "Squiggy," that the people who are selling him to me gave him, but if I buy a baby bunny I feel like I can rename him. Here are some names I can't decide between, but I think they're awesome.
--Spinkl (it's actually from a vanity plate I saw once. I just like saying it!)
--Pony (obvious reasons there)
--Gipper (he's a dutch bunny, dutch=reagan=the gipper)
--007 (dutch bunnies kind of look like they're wearing tuxedos)
I had even more but forgot some. I'll add them if I remember.
Also, if I had two rabbits, I'd get one white one named "ice" and a black one named "hammer." Because I'm like that.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Today: pretty good. I did have to go into work for an hour (meeting) on my day off, but it wasn't bad and they let me take an hour off some other time.
I am happy to announce the completion of project I've been working on (no picture, it's a gift I don't want to ruin the surprise).
I am happy to say I took the plunge and decided on a bunny. It sounds like the place I was looking at is great, they take time to acclimate the bunnies to human, so they're calm and used to humans when you get them. Plus, I'm getting a dutch breed. They are so totally the winner in terms of personality as far as I can tell from what I read. Mellow but friendly are their three middle names. The only thing they lose on is lifespan... but I'd rather have a short lived awesome bunny than a dastardly methusalah. So I'm going to have some potty training and house proofing but I can live with that.
Anyway, the one on the left is mine! I won't get him until May because he needs to stay with his mommy until then.

Today I also hung out with my dad, who bought me an outfit for Easter, and I gave him cookies I had made for him.
Yesterday, had my bridesmaid's dress fitting. Not much to say about that other than that it's at least done.
I'm pretty sure I did something Monday, but can't remember it whatsoever.
Over the weekend I hung out with Josh and we did some awesome carcassoning.

I am happy to announce the completion of project I've been working on (no picture, it's a gift I don't want to ruin the surprise).
I am happy to say I took the plunge and decided on a bunny. It sounds like the place I was looking at is great, they take time to acclimate the bunnies to human, so they're calm and used to humans when you get them. Plus, I'm getting a dutch breed. They are so totally the winner in terms of personality as far as I can tell from what I read. Mellow but friendly are their three middle names. The only thing they lose on is lifespan... but I'd rather have a short lived awesome bunny than a dastardly methusalah. So I'm going to have some potty training and house proofing but I can live with that.
Anyway, the one on the left is mine! I won't get him until May because he needs to stay with his mommy until then.
Today I also hung out with my dad, who bought me an outfit for Easter, and I gave him cookies I had made for him.
Yesterday, had my bridesmaid's dress fitting. Not much to say about that other than that it's at least done.
I'm pretty sure I did something Monday, but can't remember it whatsoever.
Over the weekend I hung out with Josh and we did some awesome carcassoning.
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