Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Good: think my ipod might be working again? It froze and wouldn't even turn off, so I waited until the battery was dead and am charging it. It seems to work...

Bad: wiring still fucked up. But of course I haven't tried to fix it, I thought I'd wait until I'm on drugs again so it's less stressful

Good: I get my drugs tomorrow

Bad: Annoying situation with a dude at work. Dude is legally blind, and so can't drive himself home. I have occasionally in the past, and more and more frequently, given him a ride home, the bus doesn't run at night. It's somewhat of an inconvenience because he gets off later than I do and lives on the complete opposite side of town from me. All in all, it takes 45 minutes. But I do it anyway cause he can't help being blind.

Well, he's friends with a friend I have at work, and recently he's been a dick to her and it makes me mad. I don't really want to go out of my way to do a favor for a bastard. But I don't want him to be even more of a dick to her because he thinks she's badmouthing him to people. She's not badmouthing him, in fact I think I hate him more than she does at this point. I'm not going to go into the long backstory of why they fought and why he's a dick and she's not but this is my assessment.

Anyway today I did go ahead and drive him home, but another friend said I could just lie and say I have plans after work next time he asks, which I probably will do. It's just annoying to be in the middle of something like that (which, technically I'm not in the middle, my friend is actually so nice she thought it would be mean of me to stop giving him rides, but it's annoying to do favors for someone I now think is a jerk).