I keep a mug for tea at my desk. Our desks aren't "our" desks, anyone can sit at them. But I sit there all the time and it saves me a time consuming trip to my locker to get it and take it back every day. Plus, lots of people have TONS of stuff at their desks, the least of which are mugs.
Anyway, I'm getting to the part where someone threw away my mug, I brought in another one, and they did it again. Now, technically I'm not allowed to be annoyed at this or complain about it, because there is the rule about workstations, since anyone can use them, anything can be taken or broken or what have you, if it's valuable keep it in your locker. I think they do it so they don't have to arbitrate over a billion stupid arguments about who accidently ruined someone's paper crane or who stole who's what, or people sulking because someone sat at "their" desk. But I feel that this is not the same sort of thing, it wasn't anything valuable someone took because they wanted. It wasn't an accident that someone broke it, they're systematically destroying my property.
So I left a note saying, "Whoever keeps throwing away my coffee mug, please stop." Instead of "I'm going to find you and rip your anus out for twice destroying my coffee mug" like I wanted. And I get a note back saying these are shared workstations, and my mug spreads germs and increases the likelihood of spills.
Okay, I admit: I probably should've emptied my mug out every night. It was pure laziness that I hadn't been, and even though I wouldn't care if someone else did it to me, it is probably gross to some people.
But holy shit, man.... shared workstation or not there's a better way to resolve a situation than to purposefully, repeatedly throw away someone else's property, however cheap and insignificant. This person could've sat at one of the other BAJILLION seats in the dept instead of mine. This person could've left ME a note saying I was gross. This makes me SO angry. Like, if I had bird poop on my car, which is gross and spreads germs, and I parked it at a parking space at a store ANYONE could park in, would it justify them vandalizing my car, just because I left it somewhere I don't own and it was gross to them?
Also, I find the spills argument retarded, even if I did have liquids in it, because I wasn't putting the mug in the middle of the desk, I put it back in the corner out of the way.
So I left a note that was probably more aggressive than it should've been:
1) Like 800 other people keep their mugs at their desk
2) It only spreads germs if you're drinking from it too
3) If you disliked it so much, you could've left me a note instead of repeatedly destroying my property
4) I will make sure to empty it out every day from now on
I don't know. It's a little thing, but the more and more I think about it the more it pisses me off. Not only is this person a dick, but they think they are completely justified in being a childish dick, and there's nothing wrong with it and I should've just psychically known not to leave my cup in their goddamn domain that they don't own either to begin with.
Oh and update on the suspenders:
I actually feel like more of a fat old man than a hip 80's lesbian. So that sucks.
But the pros are it makes my pants stay up, and I can make this pose any time I want to to cheer myself up:
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