Whipped cream ended up sort of gritty. This was my first try at homemade whipped cream (okay second but the first time had unrelated problems), I guess I'll use powdered sugar next time.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Key lime pie with strawberries on top. Oh yeah! Probably the prettiest thing I've ever baked.

Whipped cream ended up sort of gritty. This was my first try at homemade whipped cream (okay second but the first time had unrelated problems), I guess I'll use powdered sugar next time.
Whipped cream ended up sort of gritty. This was my first try at homemade whipped cream (okay second but the first time had unrelated problems), I guess I'll use powdered sugar next time.
Friday, February 27, 2009
So, looks like I'm going to have to choke a bitch.
I keep a mug for tea at my desk. Our desks aren't "our" desks, anyone can sit at them. But I sit there all the time and it saves me a time consuming trip to my locker to get it and take it back every day. Plus, lots of people have TONS of stuff at their desks, the least of which are mugs.
Anyway, I'm getting to the part where someone threw away my mug, I brought in another one, and they did it again. Now, technically I'm not allowed to be annoyed at this or complain about it, because there is the rule about workstations, since anyone can use them, anything can be taken or broken or what have you, if it's valuable keep it in your locker. I think they do it so they don't have to arbitrate over a billion stupid arguments about who accidently ruined someone's paper crane or who stole who's what, or people sulking because someone sat at "their" desk. But I feel that this is not the same sort of thing, it wasn't anything valuable someone took because they wanted. It wasn't an accident that someone broke it, they're systematically destroying my property.
So I left a note saying, "Whoever keeps throwing away my coffee mug, please stop." Instead of "I'm going to find you and rip your anus out for twice destroying my coffee mug" like I wanted. And I get a note back saying these are shared workstations, and my mug spreads germs and increases the likelihood of spills.
Okay, I admit: I probably should've emptied my mug out every night. It was pure laziness that I hadn't been, and even though I wouldn't care if someone else did it to me, it is probably gross to some people.
But holy shit, man.... shared workstation or not there's a better way to resolve a situation than to purposefully, repeatedly throw away someone else's property, however cheap and insignificant. This person could've sat at one of the other BAJILLION seats in the dept instead of mine. This person could've left ME a note saying I was gross. This makes me SO angry. Like, if I had bird poop on my car, which is gross and spreads germs, and I parked it at a parking space at a store ANYONE could park in, would it justify them vandalizing my car, just because I left it somewhere I don't own and it was gross to them?
Also, I find the spills argument retarded, even if I did have liquids in it, because I wasn't putting the mug in the middle of the desk, I put it back in the corner out of the way.
So I left a note that was probably more aggressive than it should've been:
1) Like 800 other people keep their mugs at their desk
2) It only spreads germs if you're drinking from it too
3) If you disliked it so much, you could've left me a note instead of repeatedly destroying my property
4) I will make sure to empty it out every day from now on
I don't know. It's a little thing, but the more and more I think about it the more it pisses me off. Not only is this person a dick, but they think they are completely justified in being a childish dick, and there's nothing wrong with it and I should've just psychically known not to leave my cup in their goddamn domain that they don't own either to begin with.
Oh and update on the suspenders:
I actually feel like more of a fat old man than a hip 80's lesbian. So that sucks.
But the pros are it makes my pants stay up, and I can make this pose any time I want to to cheer myself up:
I keep a mug for tea at my desk. Our desks aren't "our" desks, anyone can sit at them. But I sit there all the time and it saves me a time consuming trip to my locker to get it and take it back every day. Plus, lots of people have TONS of stuff at their desks, the least of which are mugs.
Anyway, I'm getting to the part where someone threw away my mug, I brought in another one, and they did it again. Now, technically I'm not allowed to be annoyed at this or complain about it, because there is the rule about workstations, since anyone can use them, anything can be taken or broken or what have you, if it's valuable keep it in your locker. I think they do it so they don't have to arbitrate over a billion stupid arguments about who accidently ruined someone's paper crane or who stole who's what, or people sulking because someone sat at "their" desk. But I feel that this is not the same sort of thing, it wasn't anything valuable someone took because they wanted. It wasn't an accident that someone broke it, they're systematically destroying my property.
So I left a note saying, "Whoever keeps throwing away my coffee mug, please stop." Instead of "I'm going to find you and rip your anus out for twice destroying my coffee mug" like I wanted. And I get a note back saying these are shared workstations, and my mug spreads germs and increases the likelihood of spills.
Okay, I admit: I probably should've emptied my mug out every night. It was pure laziness that I hadn't been, and even though I wouldn't care if someone else did it to me, it is probably gross to some people.
But holy shit, man.... shared workstation or not there's a better way to resolve a situation than to purposefully, repeatedly throw away someone else's property, however cheap and insignificant. This person could've sat at one of the other BAJILLION seats in the dept instead of mine. This person could've left ME a note saying I was gross. This makes me SO angry. Like, if I had bird poop on my car, which is gross and spreads germs, and I parked it at a parking space at a store ANYONE could park in, would it justify them vandalizing my car, just because I left it somewhere I don't own and it was gross to them?
Also, I find the spills argument retarded, even if I did have liquids in it, because I wasn't putting the mug in the middle of the desk, I put it back in the corner out of the way.
So I left a note that was probably more aggressive than it should've been:
1) Like 800 other people keep their mugs at their desk
2) It only spreads germs if you're drinking from it too
3) If you disliked it so much, you could've left me a note instead of repeatedly destroying my property
4) I will make sure to empty it out every day from now on
I don't know. It's a little thing, but the more and more I think about it the more it pisses me off. Not only is this person a dick, but they think they are completely justified in being a childish dick, and there's nothing wrong with it and I should've just psychically known not to leave my cup in their goddamn domain that they don't own either to begin with.
Oh and update on the suspenders:
I actually feel like more of a fat old man than a hip 80's lesbian. So that sucks.
But the pros are it makes my pants stay up, and I can make this pose any time I want to to cheer myself up:
I love the 'phew, I really do. But he does have the weird habit of scrunching his face into a painful grimace whenever you take a photo of him, because he thinks he's smiling. That, coupled with the crazy eyes and the placement of his right hand, makes picture #2 of this photoshow HILARIOUS to me.
put this baby on pause when you get to it
put this baby on pause when you get to it
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
So today I went out and bought myself some suspenders. It's the one thing on earth, besides liposuction, that I feel can possibly hold my pants up. Belts have been useless, and apparently there are no pants built by anyone on earth that will stay over my ginormous "someday someone is going to ask if I'm pregnant and I will cry because I'm not, I'm just fat" gut. Seriously, I've found out that even if I lose weight, I will be skinnier in general, but still with a large out of proportion gut.
So anyway, I'm hoping suspenders transform me from, "Hey, who's the fat slob with the plumber butt and the enormous gut hanging out between her shirt and pants in front?" to "Hey, who's the cool butch lesbian from the 80's?" First impressions are important.
I meant to do other constructive things today, but instead I:
1) looked up origami paper on the internet
2) sat around playing solitaire on my ipod
3) and lastly, but not lastly, watched a bunch of episodes of this old hokey show called The Pretender on hulu.
So anyway, I'm hoping suspenders transform me from, "Hey, who's the fat slob with the plumber butt and the enormous gut hanging out between her shirt and pants in front?" to "Hey, who's the cool butch lesbian from the 80's?" First impressions are important.
I meant to do other constructive things today, but instead I:
1) looked up origami paper on the internet
2) sat around playing solitaire on my ipod
3) and lastly, but not lastly, watched a bunch of episodes of this old hokey show called The Pretender on hulu.
I don't really get people who don't like their birthdays. I get not wanting to get older, but that's going to happen regardless of whether or not you remember your birthday and tell people about it.
Anyway, I LOVE my birthday, I always have. I, like everyone else, have had the occasional crappy birthday, but for the most part: awesomeness!
So like I said before, work people were extremely nice to me. They made me little paper crafts, and got me a few little fun cheap gifts. I hadn't even expected anything!
Then, I hung out with my family. We went to red lobster and 3/4 of us did not get any sea animal to eat (my brother in law stayed home with Phew harder, so it was me, my dad, my sister, and the Phew). I picked red lobster because we had gone there in FL and I had this awesome chicken dish and wanted it again. Plus, delicious biscuits! The 'Phew literally had Kraft mac and cheese. Apparently Red Lobster has a deal with Kraft, which I found amusing. Then I got a buttload of giftcards to restaurants in my area of town that I had asked for, some music, books, games. I've tested out the games and so far Jambo is a win, but I'm not sure if I'm doing Blue Moon correctly. If I am, Blue Moon is pretty lame.
Then, I hung out with Josh. He gave me this awesome, "Wildcard, bitches!" shirt, which is a reference to Always Sunny in Philadelphia. He also gave me season 2 of the Sarah Silverman Program. He got me a book I asked for, and two games: Monopoly Deal (a card game sort of based on monopoly, but quicker to get through), and Scrabble Slam (a card game sort of based on Scrabble). Monopoly is a win, Scrabble is a lose. Perhaps scrabble would be better with a bigger group, but I don't know. We watched Sarah, played my games, and ate tasty food. Unfortunately, he got food poisoning or something from the tasty food. That or the 24 hour flu... poor guy was throwing up and had a fever. Happily, it went away very fast, so that was good.
Then there was a party with my crew! Lothar's birthday is close to mine, and he really loves pirates. I really love ninjas. Hence: the ninja pirate party! They got me this ninja gear, and pirate gear for him. Everyone dressed up as a pirate or ninja. Pat & D have pictures of dragons in their basement, and Julie went through and made little pirate hats or ninja headbands for all of them. Then, there were cupcakes iced so that they looked like a ninja with a mask on, and a carrot cake shaped like a pirate ship. We played the battlestar galactica game (we've never watched the show, but apparently someone played it with people who had, liked it, then acquired it) and watched some Monty Python. Lastly, but not leastly, they, too, got me a gift card for food and got me a stuffed pony that smells of beef. Yes, that's right, they searched all over town for a pony and finally found one in the dog toy section. He has a squeaker, too!
Then yesterday, Ryan called me for my birthday! He said he was sorry it was belated, but I said it worked better because I wasn't really doing anything at the time, whereas I was busy on my birthday. He agreed with the awesomeness of Ninja party and Wildcard shirt.
Anyway, I LOVE my birthday, I always have. I, like everyone else, have had the occasional crappy birthday, but for the most part: awesomeness!
So like I said before, work people were extremely nice to me. They made me little paper crafts, and got me a few little fun cheap gifts. I hadn't even expected anything!
Then, I hung out with my family. We went to red lobster and 3/4 of us did not get any sea animal to eat (my brother in law stayed home with Phew harder, so it was me, my dad, my sister, and the Phew). I picked red lobster because we had gone there in FL and I had this awesome chicken dish and wanted it again. Plus, delicious biscuits! The 'Phew literally had Kraft mac and cheese. Apparently Red Lobster has a deal with Kraft, which I found amusing. Then I got a buttload of giftcards to restaurants in my area of town that I had asked for, some music, books, games. I've tested out the games and so far Jambo is a win, but I'm not sure if I'm doing Blue Moon correctly. If I am, Blue Moon is pretty lame.
Then, I hung out with Josh. He gave me this awesome, "Wildcard, bitches!" shirt, which is a reference to Always Sunny in Philadelphia. He also gave me season 2 of the Sarah Silverman Program. He got me a book I asked for, and two games: Monopoly Deal (a card game sort of based on monopoly, but quicker to get through), and Scrabble Slam (a card game sort of based on Scrabble). Monopoly is a win, Scrabble is a lose. Perhaps scrabble would be better with a bigger group, but I don't know. We watched Sarah, played my games, and ate tasty food. Unfortunately, he got food poisoning or something from the tasty food. That or the 24 hour flu... poor guy was throwing up and had a fever. Happily, it went away very fast, so that was good.
Then there was a party with my crew! Lothar's birthday is close to mine, and he really loves pirates. I really love ninjas. Hence: the ninja pirate party! They got me this ninja gear, and pirate gear for him. Everyone dressed up as a pirate or ninja. Pat & D have pictures of dragons in their basement, and Julie went through and made little pirate hats or ninja headbands for all of them. Then, there were cupcakes iced so that they looked like a ninja with a mask on, and a carrot cake shaped like a pirate ship. We played the battlestar galactica game (we've never watched the show, but apparently someone played it with people who had, liked it, then acquired it) and watched some Monty Python. Lastly, but not leastly, they, too, got me a gift card for food and got me a stuffed pony that smells of beef. Yes, that's right, they searched all over town for a pony and finally found one in the dog toy section. He has a squeaker, too!
Then yesterday, Ryan called me for my birthday! He said he was sorry it was belated, but I said it worked better because I wasn't really doing anything at the time, whereas I was busy on my birthday. He agreed with the awesomeness of Ninja party and Wildcard shirt.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Damn you webmd! I need something for my computer like parents get to block all the dirty sites from their kids, only mine would block webmd and similar sites.
I have no idea why, but my joints in my knees & ankles have been sore today, and my back. Quick trip to the webmd says I'm dying. Or I could be a hypochondriac.
I do need to talk to my dr. though.... I'm still halfway convinced I have diabetes, anemia, and like 8 different autoimmune disorders besides the one I already know I have.
Which, btw, has been a bitch this week. The brownies gave me the shits for two days. Then I was really constipated for two days. Today I'm both at the same time. THANKS, COLITIS.
Good news about today: celebrated my birthday at work (most of my buddies work the earlier part of the week so today was the last day to do so this week). I hadn't really meant to make a big deal about it, but I did mention it was my birthday and I was taking off on Sun (they worry that I'm sick if I don't show up and don't tell them why I'm gone ahead of time). So today they made me this awesome card, bought me a cookie and some other little gifts, and sang to me. It's nice having friends at work, finally.
I have no idea why, but my joints in my knees & ankles have been sore today, and my back. Quick trip to the webmd says I'm dying. Or I could be a hypochondriac.
I do need to talk to my dr. though.... I'm still halfway convinced I have diabetes, anemia, and like 8 different autoimmune disorders besides the one I already know I have.
Which, btw, has been a bitch this week. The brownies gave me the shits for two days. Then I was really constipated for two days. Today I'm both at the same time. THANKS, COLITIS.
Good news about today: celebrated my birthday at work (most of my buddies work the earlier part of the week so today was the last day to do so this week). I hadn't really meant to make a big deal about it, but I did mention it was my birthday and I was taking off on Sun (they worry that I'm sick if I don't show up and don't tell them why I'm gone ahead of time). So today they made me this awesome card, bought me a cookie and some other little gifts, and sang to me. It's nice having friends at work, finally.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
God damn. I felt shitty today so I didn't go into work. Now I'm feeling better, and I'm soooo bored that I really wish I had managed to suck it up and go to work.
I really could clean... oh yes, I could really clean... but I don't want to. I could do stuff on the computer... but that just makes my butt sore* for the next time I do work.
Bitch, bitch, bitch, moan, moan, moan, etc.
* I reference this all the time but am not sure I've thoroughly explained it. My company gives us the best of nearly everything... except the fucking chairs, they're awful. And I have a job where I can't leave my desk much. Hence: my ass perpetually sore, even sitting on comfortable things hurts. The only thing that helps even a little bit (though not that much) is standing or laying the whole rest of the time that I'm not working.
I really could clean... oh yes, I could really clean... but I don't want to. I could do stuff on the computer... but that just makes my butt sore* for the next time I do work.
Bitch, bitch, bitch, moan, moan, moan, etc.
* I reference this all the time but am not sure I've thoroughly explained it. My company gives us the best of nearly everything... except the fucking chairs, they're awful. And I have a job where I can't leave my desk much. Hence: my ass perpetually sore, even sitting on comfortable things hurts. The only thing that helps even a little bit (though not that much) is standing or laying the whole rest of the time that I'm not working.
Most romantic way to spend VD: doing my taxes with my dad.
Actually, it wasn't that bad. Not even my worst VD. Hell, not even my worst tax experience (that would have to be last year when I hated my life so much I spent the entire time taking it out on my dad and screaming at him about IRA rollovers).
We also saw the International, which is alright but nothing to shout about.
Then we had dinner with my sister's family, which I was actually not invited to but Dad took me along anyway. I was about ready to strangle 'Phew 2 who spent the whole time crying at the top of his lungs. Literally... the manager of the store kept coming up to us and trying to give us ice cream or other things to placate the kid. It was awful. On the other hand, the 'Phew, who I normally bitch about, was like the best behaved kid on earth.
Unfortunately, though, I did take him out into the gift shop (we were at the Honkey Barrel), because my butt was sore and I wanted to get up, and he is normally antsy and wants to get up too when anyone else does. I forgot that kids don't browse, kids want to buy things. He didn't whine at all, though, so I did get him this little snoopy phone filled with candy to reward him. He hugged me at the end of the night, the first time I can recall him spontaneously doing this without being prodded into it by myself or another relative. It felt so good, it made me love him again. But of course, I don't want to buy his love either. I mean 1) that's not real love, and 2) he has a bunch of other relatives who are already doing that and have much deeper pockets.
I also told Tina's man (Archie) to feed her some sausage tonight. *wink wink*
And that is my VD.
Actually, it wasn't that bad. Not even my worst VD. Hell, not even my worst tax experience (that would have to be last year when I hated my life so much I spent the entire time taking it out on my dad and screaming at him about IRA rollovers).
We also saw the International, which is alright but nothing to shout about.
Then we had dinner with my sister's family, which I was actually not invited to but Dad took me along anyway. I was about ready to strangle 'Phew 2 who spent the whole time crying at the top of his lungs. Literally... the manager of the store kept coming up to us and trying to give us ice cream or other things to placate the kid. It was awful. On the other hand, the 'Phew, who I normally bitch about, was like the best behaved kid on earth.
Unfortunately, though, I did take him out into the gift shop (we were at the Honkey Barrel), because my butt was sore and I wanted to get up, and he is normally antsy and wants to get up too when anyone else does. I forgot that kids don't browse, kids want to buy things. He didn't whine at all, though, so I did get him this little snoopy phone filled with candy to reward him. He hugged me at the end of the night, the first time I can recall him spontaneously doing this without being prodded into it by myself or another relative. It felt so good, it made me love him again. But of course, I don't want to buy his love either. I mean 1) that's not real love, and 2) he has a bunch of other relatives who are already doing that and have much deeper pockets.
I also told Tina's man (Archie) to feed her some sausage tonight. *wink wink*
And that is my VD.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Ginormous update
Trip to FL
I had a great time in Florida. I didn't do many "Florida-y" things, didn't go to the beach (don't like the beach anyway) or Disneyworld. In fact, it was their coldest temperatures in 6 years down there.... though I hear it was worse up here during that time. Also, my grandpa couldn't do much because he's hooked up to oxygen nowadays.
The one touristy thing I did was go to Seaworld. Which was awesome, I'm glad I made that choice. I like animals better than rides, so that sort of makes me more inclined to do Busch Gardens or Seaworld than Disney or Universal, and Busch probably has a lot of zoo animals I can see at Miller Park anyway. Even if the animals and shows weren't awesome (which they were), it was one of the nicer days and it was awesome to walk around in nice weather for a few hours. My one regret: Dad did not let me go to "Gatorworld," which we saw an ad for on the way to Seaworld. Who goes to FL without wrasslin' at least one gator before leaving? Seriously!
The rest of the trip was basically hanging out at Grandpa & Phyllis' (his girlfriend) trailer. Phyllis is an awesome cook and made something great for every meal. I felt bad that she went to so much work for us, especially since I didn't know her that well, but she insisted and it was pretty delicious (my dad and I probably gained 10 pounds). And I really did enjoy getting to know her, she's a pretty neat lady. I hadn't really gotten a chance to know her before because my mom didn't like that my grandpa had moved on after my grandma died, and hence kept my grandpa & Phyllis from visiting much after that. In fact, even aside from Phyllis, this is probably the most I've seen my grandpa in the last 15 years. I'm glad I got to hang with him, he's a really cool guy and my one remaining grandparent. The only thing that sucked is he's on an oxygen tank now, so I'm thinking he's probably dying. He's had a lot of trouble breathing the last few years, he inhaled too much dust or something back when he was a carpenter, but when you need oxygen you're probably on your last legs. Plus he's at least in his mid 80's. I really wish I had been able to hang out with him more over the years.
Bridesmaid's Dress Shopping
Upon my arrival, Julie asked me to be a bridesmaid at her wedding. My answer: an enthusiastic yes! The only person I've ever bridesmaided for was my sister, and that's pretty much a given. So it was nice to be asked by someone who actually wanted me.
Dress shopping was fun in a lot of ways, I really liked hanging with Julie, D, and Laurie a lot, and making fun of (and trying on) the store's more unfortunate looking dresses. I'm not a girly girl, but I do like trying on something nice once in awhile, and there were some good ones too. All in all, I'm glad for the dress shopping experience, and look forward to the other bridesmaid stuff.
There were some downsides though.
1) Our salesgirl was AWFUL, and I cannot complain about her enough. She was incompetent AND kind of a jerk to us. First of all, she gave D and me the wrong size bra's like 8 times instead of just telling us she didn't have the right size. I just started going commando after awhile, because the bras were so awful. Secondly, I know the store was busy, but she gave us no one on one time to help us choose the right size dresses or bras, which I could've used some help with. She kept giving me these size 12's I needed the jaws of life to get into, and in one case a 10 that I couldn't get into at all. Thirdly, we'd ask for a specific type or cut of dress and she'd say they didn't have it, then it would turn out they did have it. She was new, but for god's sake, she could've asked someone else for help finding things. Lastly, and maybe this is my fault, but she was really snippy and almost wouldn't let me try on a weird zebra stripe dress for fun. Julie is the best friend in the world, because she told the lady she would seriously consider this dress just to get the woman off my back so I could try it on. This woman is getting the commission on 3 $160 dollar dresses, you'd think she could let me try on one ugly dress for the hell of it.
2) The store was really, really hot, it was a super uncomfortable environment to try on fancy dresses.
3) I feel worse about my body than usual. My boobs are small and wouldn't fill up any of the boob places on my dress, whereas my gut is enormous and sticks out of all the gut places on the dresses. I hate that all the weight I've gained lately is in my gut... nothing fits right. My pants fall down because they won't stay up over the gut, unless I wear something so tight I can't breathe. All my shirts show I have an enormous gut, and it hangs out under them half the time. I stopped exercising after awhile, but even when I was really working on it I couldn't get my gut smaller. I'm doomed to have a fucking beer gut the rest of my life, and it is depressing. Seriously, even if I get skinnier, I'll just be skinnier all over except for my gut.
The last few days
Yesterday, I almost locked myself in my house and couldn't get out. There's something wrong with the one lock, it won't turn very well... but for some reason from the outside, with a key, it works fine. Anyway, I have two locks so I've just been using the other when I'm inside since, but it is sort of scary to be locked in.
I also looked pretty dumb, I was opening the door for a delivery man. My dad sent me internet brownies for valentine's day! Quite tasty! Only one downside. Well, 2 if you consider the previous rant about being fat:
phoemeister (12:40:57 PM): all these brownies are giving me the shits :/
GOWALLSGO (12:41:07 PM): :: laughs :: well damn
GOWALLSGO (12:41:22 PM): don't you just hate when something that tastes really really good does that?
phoemeister (12:41:27 PM): yeah
phoemeister (12:41:31 PM): it's like... worth it
phoemeister (12:41:37 PM): but not as good as it would be without the shits
Today I had an interview in another dept. It did NOT go well.... there are so many goddamn depts that I honestly read up on the wrong dept. and did not know anything I was talking about. It's okay though, I'm not sure if I wanted the job that badly anyway.
I've sort of decided I kind of don't want to take a promotion at work unless it's a real improvement. I've been happier where I am lately. While some of that is no doubt due to antidepressants, there are some perks from being where I am that I don't want to lose unless the other job is actually better instead of just nominally better.
1) call volume has dropped like crazy the last few months. I actually, crazily, have enough time between calls to actually finish a sentence to a coworker or work on other things. Some of the other depts I'm looking at are still call centers, and have been having a really high call volume.
2) I'm involved in a lot of "extracurricular" activities that I really enjoy, such as toastmasters, the newsletter, etc. that I don't want to lose.
3) I finally have FRIENDS in my dept after working there 2 years and I don't want to spend 2 years finally getting to know other people.
So all in all, I'd appreciate a quality promotion rather than just some lame half-step where I have to entrench myself all over again at.
Time for some more brownie shits!
I had a great time in Florida. I didn't do many "Florida-y" things, didn't go to the beach (don't like the beach anyway) or Disneyworld. In fact, it was their coldest temperatures in 6 years down there.... though I hear it was worse up here during that time. Also, my grandpa couldn't do much because he's hooked up to oxygen nowadays.
The one touristy thing I did was go to Seaworld. Which was awesome, I'm glad I made that choice. I like animals better than rides, so that sort of makes me more inclined to do Busch Gardens or Seaworld than Disney or Universal, and Busch probably has a lot of zoo animals I can see at Miller Park anyway. Even if the animals and shows weren't awesome (which they were), it was one of the nicer days and it was awesome to walk around in nice weather for a few hours. My one regret: Dad did not let me go to "Gatorworld," which we saw an ad for on the way to Seaworld. Who goes to FL without wrasslin' at least one gator before leaving? Seriously!
The rest of the trip was basically hanging out at Grandpa & Phyllis' (his girlfriend) trailer. Phyllis is an awesome cook and made something great for every meal. I felt bad that she went to so much work for us, especially since I didn't know her that well, but she insisted and it was pretty delicious (my dad and I probably gained 10 pounds). And I really did enjoy getting to know her, she's a pretty neat lady. I hadn't really gotten a chance to know her before because my mom didn't like that my grandpa had moved on after my grandma died, and hence kept my grandpa & Phyllis from visiting much after that. In fact, even aside from Phyllis, this is probably the most I've seen my grandpa in the last 15 years. I'm glad I got to hang with him, he's a really cool guy and my one remaining grandparent. The only thing that sucked is he's on an oxygen tank now, so I'm thinking he's probably dying. He's had a lot of trouble breathing the last few years, he inhaled too much dust or something back when he was a carpenter, but when you need oxygen you're probably on your last legs. Plus he's at least in his mid 80's. I really wish I had been able to hang out with him more over the years.
Bridesmaid's Dress Shopping
Upon my arrival, Julie asked me to be a bridesmaid at her wedding. My answer: an enthusiastic yes! The only person I've ever bridesmaided for was my sister, and that's pretty much a given. So it was nice to be asked by someone who actually wanted me.
Dress shopping was fun in a lot of ways, I really liked hanging with Julie, D, and Laurie a lot, and making fun of (and trying on) the store's more unfortunate looking dresses. I'm not a girly girl, but I do like trying on something nice once in awhile, and there were some good ones too. All in all, I'm glad for the dress shopping experience, and look forward to the other bridesmaid stuff.
There were some downsides though.
1) Our salesgirl was AWFUL, and I cannot complain about her enough. She was incompetent AND kind of a jerk to us. First of all, she gave D and me the wrong size bra's like 8 times instead of just telling us she didn't have the right size. I just started going commando after awhile, because the bras were so awful. Secondly, I know the store was busy, but she gave us no one on one time to help us choose the right size dresses or bras, which I could've used some help with. She kept giving me these size 12's I needed the jaws of life to get into, and in one case a 10 that I couldn't get into at all. Thirdly, we'd ask for a specific type or cut of dress and she'd say they didn't have it, then it would turn out they did have it. She was new, but for god's sake, she could've asked someone else for help finding things. Lastly, and maybe this is my fault, but she was really snippy and almost wouldn't let me try on a weird zebra stripe dress for fun. Julie is the best friend in the world, because she told the lady she would seriously consider this dress just to get the woman off my back so I could try it on. This woman is getting the commission on 3 $160 dollar dresses, you'd think she could let me try on one ugly dress for the hell of it.
2) The store was really, really hot, it was a super uncomfortable environment to try on fancy dresses.
3) I feel worse about my body than usual. My boobs are small and wouldn't fill up any of the boob places on my dress, whereas my gut is enormous and sticks out of all the gut places on the dresses. I hate that all the weight I've gained lately is in my gut... nothing fits right. My pants fall down because they won't stay up over the gut, unless I wear something so tight I can't breathe. All my shirts show I have an enormous gut, and it hangs out under them half the time. I stopped exercising after awhile, but even when I was really working on it I couldn't get my gut smaller. I'm doomed to have a fucking beer gut the rest of my life, and it is depressing. Seriously, even if I get skinnier, I'll just be skinnier all over except for my gut.
The last few days
Yesterday, I almost locked myself in my house and couldn't get out. There's something wrong with the one lock, it won't turn very well... but for some reason from the outside, with a key, it works fine. Anyway, I have two locks so I've just been using the other when I'm inside since, but it is sort of scary to be locked in.
I also looked pretty dumb, I was opening the door for a delivery man. My dad sent me internet brownies for valentine's day! Quite tasty! Only one downside. Well, 2 if you consider the previous rant about being fat:
phoemeister (12:40:57 PM): all these brownies are giving me the shits :/
GOWALLSGO (12:41:07 PM): :: laughs :: well damn
GOWALLSGO (12:41:22 PM): don't you just hate when something that tastes really really good does that?
phoemeister (12:41:27 PM): yeah
phoemeister (12:41:31 PM): it's like... worth it
phoemeister (12:41:37 PM): but not as good as it would be without the shits
Today I had an interview in another dept. It did NOT go well.... there are so many goddamn depts that I honestly read up on the wrong dept. and did not know anything I was talking about. It's okay though, I'm not sure if I wanted the job that badly anyway.
I've sort of decided I kind of don't want to take a promotion at work unless it's a real improvement. I've been happier where I am lately. While some of that is no doubt due to antidepressants, there are some perks from being where I am that I don't want to lose unless the other job is actually better instead of just nominally better.
1) call volume has dropped like crazy the last few months. I actually, crazily, have enough time between calls to actually finish a sentence to a coworker or work on other things. Some of the other depts I'm looking at are still call centers, and have been having a really high call volume.
2) I'm involved in a lot of "extracurricular" activities that I really enjoy, such as toastmasters, the newsletter, etc. that I don't want to lose.
3) I finally have FRIENDS in my dept after working there 2 years and I don't want to spend 2 years finally getting to know other people.
So all in all, I'd appreciate a quality promotion rather than just some lame half-step where I have to entrench myself all over again at.
Time for some more brownie shits!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Today, when I got up, I panicked for about ten minutes because I couldn't find my phone. Then I found it. Ten minutes later.... I have no idea where I put it after I found it.
Monday, February 09, 2009
My butt's been exceptionally sore from the trip + my period so I haven't really felt up to sitting down at the computer and regaling everyone with details and pictures from my adventures in FL and bridesmaid dress shopping, but rest assured, I will.
I just felt like recording some of the bizarre dreams I've had lately quickly, because I know I will forget them otherwise, and they are hilarious.
Item 1: In FL I had a dream where Josh and I were poisoning stranger's food and killing them a la Last Supper or Arsenic & Old Lace. We didn't have actual poison, so we were putting shampoo in people's food.... somehow, they didn't notice. The first time, Josh just wanted to see if it would work. The second time, we just had so much fun the first time we wanted to try it again. The third time, Josh wasn't around and I did it myself. My mom somehow caught wind of this, and asked me if we'd been killing people. I think, "Man, I'm bad at lying. What the hell, I might as well tell her." When I tell her, she gets really upset and I can't understand why.
"You murdered people!?!? I don't want you hanging out with that Josh anymore! Oh Amy, now that you've killed people, you can never go to heaven!" she says.
"Mom, why are you making such a big deal?? Besides, I killed that one guy on my own. We didn't shoot anyone, it was just shampoo."
We argue quite awhile, but she never gets me to understand what the big deal is about killing people.
Item 2: I had a dream where I was absolutely wailing on Jason from Friday the 13th. He wouldn't die, which was what my aim was, so I just kept having to beat on him. There were a bunch of people I went to grade school with in this dream too, randomly milling around. I think during this whole thing I was trying to also exchange lockers with Kimberly Edgecomb because Chad Krueger was stealing stuff out of mine.
Item 3: I had a dream last night where I got in a conversation with a stranger about this wrestler called "The Boogie Woogie Man." Josh loves this guy because he's crazy, even for a wrestler. He says "baby" over and over only he pronounces it "Beh-bay," and steals children from bystanders. He has a crazy ZZ top beard as well, and a crazed look in his eye. I think the elevator thing started out because the woman said "baby" in that way, and I started telling her about Boogie Woogie. This pretty much played out like it would in real life, and she looked at me like I was a weirdo.
I just felt like recording some of the bizarre dreams I've had lately quickly, because I know I will forget them otherwise, and they are hilarious.
Item 1: In FL I had a dream where Josh and I were poisoning stranger's food and killing them a la Last Supper or Arsenic & Old Lace. We didn't have actual poison, so we were putting shampoo in people's food.... somehow, they didn't notice. The first time, Josh just wanted to see if it would work. The second time, we just had so much fun the first time we wanted to try it again. The third time, Josh wasn't around and I did it myself. My mom somehow caught wind of this, and asked me if we'd been killing people. I think, "Man, I'm bad at lying. What the hell, I might as well tell her." When I tell her, she gets really upset and I can't understand why.
"You murdered people!?!? I don't want you hanging out with that Josh anymore! Oh Amy, now that you've killed people, you can never go to heaven!" she says.
"Mom, why are you making such a big deal?? Besides, I killed that one guy on my own. We didn't shoot anyone, it was just shampoo."
We argue quite awhile, but she never gets me to understand what the big deal is about killing people.
Item 2: I had a dream where I was absolutely wailing on Jason from Friday the 13th. He wouldn't die, which was what my aim was, so I just kept having to beat on him. There were a bunch of people I went to grade school with in this dream too, randomly milling around. I think during this whole thing I was trying to also exchange lockers with Kimberly Edgecomb because Chad Krueger was stealing stuff out of mine.
Item 3: I had a dream last night where I got in a conversation with a stranger about this wrestler called "The Boogie Woogie Man." Josh loves this guy because he's crazy, even for a wrestler. He says "baby" over and over only he pronounces it "Beh-bay," and steals children from bystanders. He has a crazy ZZ top beard as well, and a crazed look in his eye. I think the elevator thing started out because the woman said "baby" in that way, and I started telling her about Boogie Woogie. This pretty much played out like it would in real life, and she looked at me like I was a weirdo.
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