Monday, August 11, 2008

I don't know how well this new obsession with baking is going to treat my already expanding waistline, but I kind of enjoy that it gives me something to do at night to distract me when I'm alone with my dumb thoughts. And it feels more respectable than playing with imaginary ponies, which is what I previously* did.

Anyway, it feels awesome when I succeed. Tonight I made blueberry scones and they were hella awesome. I don't know how well they'll keep, given the juiciness of the blueberries, but I will probably pawn some off on my dad tomorrow.... along with portions of two pies and (hopefully--it'll be my first effort at it) homemade whipped cream. I didn't even follow the recipe properly. It said to use lemon zest, but damn Kroger's eyes! they didn't have any so I used some key limes I had sitting around. It said to use lemon yogurt *glares at Kroger again* but I used vanilla. Then also there was this glaze to put on them, but I forgot to buy powdered sugar, so I just left it off. Still: awesome.

It makes me wonder why brownies hate me so much even though I completely follow directions when making them.

Anyway, I gotta keep making blueberry stuff until I'm out of blueberries. I have 6 pounds of them in my fridge right now because Meijer, glorious Meijer *glares daggers at Kroger again* has them on sale 2lbs for $4.40. And then I decided I love pies so I've been making Key Lime too (that's what the homemade whipped cream is going to be for) and lately have found a boatload of other pie recipes on the internet I'm itching to try.

* Oh, who am I kidding, even with the baking I'm still playing Howrse like 4 hours per day