Monday, July 21, 2008

Don't worry, no spoilers.

phoemeister (3:05:06 PM): my dad and I just saw batman
phoemeister (3:05:20 PM): it was good though there were things that annoyed me about it
phoemeister (3:05:27 PM): and it made me cry :|
Suibrom (3:05:40 PM): like what?
phoemeister (3:05:45 PM): have you seen it yet?
Suibrom (3:05:48 PM): nope
phoemeister (3:05:58 PM): oh well I won't spoil you on the things that annoyed me
phoemeister (3:06:15 PM): the thing that made me cry is at one point they threaten Lieutenant Gordon's son
phoemeister (3:06:24 PM): I dunno why, wouldn't normally do it to me
Suibrom (3:06:43 PM): hmm
phoemeister (3:07:26 PM): oh well
Suibrom (3:08:47 PM): I've heard that it's quite disturbing and dark
phoemeister (3:09:13 PM): I dunno. I guess it is but I'm not that sensitive to disturbing
phoemeister (3:09:22 PM): I mean it's more disturbing than like, the orig. batman
phoemeister (3:09:27 PM): but it's not like Sin City or anything
phoemeister (3:10:28 PM): Oh and I saw the trailer for the Watchmen. I contend that anything that has a trailer of a sexy woman walking around in slow motion to a shitty smashing pumpkins song is not something I'm going to be excited about.
Suibrom (3:11:04 PM): aww watchmen should be cool
phoemeister (3:11:12 PM): the trailer sucks though
phoemeister (3:13:58 PM): even you have to admit that a shitty smashing pumpkins song is.... well... shitty