Friday, October 12, 2007


I got off work early again today! Wooooo.

Though this was "early dismissal" which is basically telling them "I feel like leaving," and if they have extra people around they don't need, they let you go. So you're not paid for it, unless you want to use your vaction time.

Which I didn't, really. I felt it was justified, though, I had a wicked bad sore throat. If this is my first cold of winter, I'm kinda pissed. If you have it this early it doesn't count and you have to have another one by the end of the season. But it might be allergies.... I sometimes have an allergic blip in fall. And I don't really feel all crappy and zapped of energy the way I do when I have a cold, just phlegmy and sore throaty.

Anyway, I really really try to avoid taking early dismissal, because I know I'll get addicted to it and never have any money/vacation time. But I figured the fact that I came into my job at all when I was sick is less douchey than I normally am when I'm sick, so it was okay.

Speaking of sick, my mom's in the hospital. Yeah, that's right, I'm the bastard who talks about my sore throat WHILE MY MOM'S IN THE HOSPITAL. I'm not hella worried.... she didn't have a heart attack or collapse or anything, this is more of a diagnostic thing. My dad's been complaining (well, not complaining, talking a lot about) how my mom's not had any energy all summer. Which... I found a bit strange at the time that he felt he had to comment on it, because my mom is like the least energetic person I know and has been that way for years. Her life is basically: get up, watch tv, play computer, nap on couch, watch tv, play computer. I'm not dissing her--sans nap, that is basically what I do all day too. But anyway it's changed from that to: get up, nap, nap nap, go to bed, which I had not previously realized. So anyway, I guess my dad finally nagged her until she gave up and went to see someone. So I'm sort of apprehensive, my parents (mom especially) have really crappy health and what ever can go wrong will go wrong. And it seems like every time one of them has a new problem crop up, the dr's are all, "I don't know what it is" and it never gets solved. But I'm not worried-worried. Hopefully that's justified.

In other news: fuck you, nature. Straight from Summer to Winter? Bastard.