Wednesday, August 08, 2007


So I'm wondering if I have a chemical imbalance, or if my general hatred of my life is filtering through to other things, but I swear I've cried more in the last couple of weeks than the last couple of months combined. Well... I don't know. Tami used to make me cry a lot. But I can't think of anything else I cried about a lot except for her terminal case of back-stabby bitchiness in awhile, until now.

But yeah, I followed up the embarassing McDonald's incident with an embarassing Post Office incident. Which, I guess if you're going to go crazy, you might as well go old skool and do it at the Post Office. I know it's a stupid reason to cry, but here goes (I'm going to include a re-cap just so that you can see how stupid this situation is):

--I bought $99 dollar speakers mail order from Creative Labs. I am poor but I thought it was worth dipping into my savings.

--The speakers didn't work well. I actually don't think it's anything with the speakers, but I still can't figure out how to make them work very well on my computer.

--I mail them back to Creative. I do this parcel post, which is the cheapest available, and insure the package. This costs $16.00

--I go out and buy some $40 speakers at Best Buy. They don't really work any better than the Creative ones, but they're cheaper so it doesn't piss me off as bad.

--I get a notice from the post office that this package has been returned postage due and I owe $14 to get it back.

--I go over there and ask them if they know why it's returned, they don't know. I see the package, and despite the fact that it has fragile stickers all over it, it is pretty mutilated. I have a good idea of why Creative wouldn't take it back.

--I call up Creative and they're like, "we don't know, we're going to check."

--Two days later they call me back and are like, "Yeah the outside of the package was really messed up, so we refused it." I ask for documentation on this to give the Post Office, and they won't give me any.

--Today I go into the Post Office to file a claim. I'm told that insurance doesn't cover the outside of the package getting fucked up, they have to be damaged for me to file a claim. Then I'm told, I can't even open them to see if they're damaged without paying the $14 postage due.

--I cried in the post office.

For more detailed whining, you can read this:

(1:46:40 PM) Me: I just cried at the post office
(1:46:44 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: aww : (
(1:46:46 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: what'd they say?
(1:47:01 PM) Me: I have to pay 14 dollars to even be able to open the package to see if I can file a claim
(1:47:17 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: wow that's retarded
(1:47:18 PM) Me: and if it isn't damaged on the inside I get nothing
(1:47:41 PM) Me: even though since those fuckers are responsible for it getting to creative labs all spindled and mutilated
(1:47:51 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: so.. explain to me again this whole deal again
(1:47:53 PM) Me: and me not being able to get my refund because of it
(1:47:59 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: creative refused to pay because it was damaged?
(1:48:12 PM) Me: yeah. The outside of the package is messed up pretty bad.
(1:48:27 PM) Me: They didn't even open it
(1:48:35 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: that's retarded
(1:48:42 PM) Me: I know
(1:48:45 PM) Me: neither of them will pay
(1:48:51 PM) Me: and I'm especially mad at the post office
(1:48:58 PM) Me: because that goddamn thing had fragile stickers all over it
(1:49:01 PM) Me: and I insured it
(1:49:37 PM) Me: so I'm basically out 120 dollars at this point
(1:49:50 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: that really fuckin' sucks
(1:49:56 PM) Me: I can pay 14 dollars to see if it's damaged
(1:49:57 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: no one's taking responsibility for it?
(1:50:01 PM) Me: and if it is I'll get 99 back
(1:50:02 PM) Me: Yep
(1:50:09 PM) Me: or I can pay 14 dollars
(1:50:15 PM) Me: have it not be damaged
(1:50:31 PM) Me: and spend 20 more to send it to creative again
(1:50:43 PM) Me: or get no money at all from creative because this has taken so long
(1:50:52 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: the PS won't send it back even thought it was insured and fragile?
(1:50:59 PM) Me: yep
(1:51:10 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: that's just.. stupid
(1:51:18 PM) Me: Ryan, remind me to NEVER EVER buy anything important mail order ever again
(1:51:43 PM) Me: if I'd just gotten the goddamn speakers from best buy in the first place
(1:51:51 PM) Me: I wouldn't have to deal with all this post office shit
(1:52:02 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: yeah, or get it sent through UPS or Fed-Ex
(1:52:03 PM) Me: but yeah I cried in front of the lady
(1:52:06 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: not the postal service
(1:52:07 PM) Me: well I could've
(1:52:11 PM) Me: it just cost even more
(1:52:13 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: the Win to my Wang: because like everything else, the government sucks
(1:52:15 PM) Me: and was farther away
(1:52:26 PM) Me: and I didn't think they'd fuck it up like this and not take responsibility
(1:52:32 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: yeah
(1:52:56 PM) Me: and she's like, "yeah since you sent it parcel post you do have to pay cause it was returned"
(1:53:06 PM) Me: like I should've fucking known not to send it parcel post
(1:53:22 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: i'm not sure I understand that
(1:53:23 PM) Me: 1) no one told me this about parcel post BEFORE I sent it, which is pretty much when you'd want to know
(1:53:25 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: or why you have to pay money now
(1:53:27 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: to get it back
(1:53:32 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: even though you already paid the shipping to send it
(1:53:53 PM) Me: and 2) I didnt' think they'd fuck up the package and creative wouldn't take it back
(1:54:05 PM) Me: well apparently there's several tiers, and I picked the cheapest one
(1:54:21 PM) Me: and if you send something parcel post and the other people are like "we don't want it" you have to pay for the return trip
(1:54:34 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: that's retarded
(1:54:50 PM) Me: I know it's a stupid thing to cry about
(1:54:56 PM) Me: but I really did start crying in the post office
(1:55:15 PM) Me: and I could tell the lady was all embarassed and uncomfortable
(1:55:28 PM) Me: and I like didn't want to yell at her because it's not her fault or anything
(1:55:37 PM) Me: but I'd just wish someone would goddamn do what they promised
(1:55:50 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: yeah that really sucks : (
(1:55:57 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: so the insurance doesn't help anything?
(1:56:03 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: is that like.. only if it's totally destroyed or lost?
(1:56:06 PM) Me: not unless the speakers are broken
(1:56:07 PM) Me: yep
(1:56:29 PM) Me: and I can't even find out if they are broken
(1:56:42 PM) Me: until I pay them fourteen dollars
(1:56:51 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: yeah that's really stupid
(1:57:21 PM) Me: fuckers. I'm half tempted to take the package home and if the speakers aren't broken, fucking taking a hammer to them
(1:57:28 PM) Me: and being like, "look what you did"
(1:57:29 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: haha
(1:57:39 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: you should, how would they know?
(1:57:43 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: just step on the box a few times
(1:57:58 PM) Me: haha I probably wouldn't even have to. That package is pretty messed up.
(1:58:11 PM) Me: it looks like someone already took it through hell and back
(1:58:22 PM) Me: which is why Creative wouldn't take it back
(1:58:54 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: understandable but it sucks that they didn't even open it and check
(1:59:01 PM) Me: yeah
(1:59:04 PM) Me: I'm mad at both companies
(1:59:33 PM) Me: Creative wouldn't even send me any documentation on why they wouldn't take it
(1:59:45 PM) Me: which apparently wouldn't have done any good anyway
(1:59:52 PM) Me: but I really wanted to have when I went in there today
(1:59:59 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: they just sent it back without any word why?
(2:00:03 PM) Me: yep
(2:00:09 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: what the heck
(2:00:10 PM) Me: I had to call them back and ask them
(2:00:17 PM) Me: and they had to like call me back two days later
(2:00:29 PM) Me: so for all I know they're liars too
(2:00:39 PM) Me: but the package is pretty fucked up
(2:03:40 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: I can't think of another context I'd say this in, but hopefully the speakers inside are fucked up too
(2:03:54 PM) Me: haha
(2:04:07 PM) Me: well I was so upset I was like, "can you guys hold it for a couple of more days"
(2:04:11 PM) Me: and just went home
(2:04:19 PM) Me: and was like I'll deal with it later
(2:05:09 PM) Me: I'm thinking of maybe telling my story to my parents and seeing if my mom will yell at them for me. I hate to yell at/unleash my yelling mom on employees who clearly don't make the rules, but damn if it doesn't get results


thevitaminkid said...

BTW, thanks for the song, Phoemeister. "Ryanthor" [LOL] did a good job of listening sympathetically. But you know we men are more oriented toward finding a fix for a problem than just commiserating. (I think I read that in Men Are From Mars, so it must be true.) I looks to me like Creative is really the bad guy here. They created the whole mess by not accepting the package and documenting the damage. Of course the Post Office is incompetent, but we expect that. That's why you got insurance, for Pete's sake! If you had a return authorization, then there is no reason for Creative not to accept the package, especially since it was insured. You could sick your Mom on both of 'em. Then watch her and learn, so you can do it yourself next time. :)