Monday, August 06, 2007


Oh and some clarification, I'm mostly mentioning songs that I've never really listened to much before. So yes, if a stretch of songs has a Ben Folds song of course it makes the highlight list, but I already know that. This is more a way to remember what was particularly good or bad if I want to go back and listen to any of it after this huge project is over.

Highlights: Simon & Garfunkel - Bleeker St, Nada Surf - Why Are You So Mean To Me? Damien Rice - Rootless Tree, Richard Cheese - American Idiot, Saves the Day - Collision, TMBG - Snail Shell, Koufax - Work Will Never End, Get a Room - The Vandals, Audio Blood - The Matches, Meow Meow Lullaby (think it's Nada Surf, dunno for sure), Harvey Danger - Problems and Bigger Ones, Flim - The Bad Plus, New Radicals - Maybe You've Been Brainwashed Too, Scattered - Greenday, Son of Sam - Eliot Smith, the Clash - Stay Free, Mexican Seafood - Nirvana, TMBG - Robot Parade, The Matches - Papercut Skin,

Lowlights: Weird Al Tv Show Theme, Terrible Doubts (dunno artist).

Nice ratio of good to bad :D


the becca said...

meow meow lullaby is from a collection called "For the Kids, Too!" I'm not sure who sings it... it could be nada surf, but I'd check out amazon ... oh I suppose I could have done that but instead I wrote this comment.

Phoex said...

yeah I could see what album but I was too lazy to look it up :P