Thursday, July 05, 2007


Re: MP3 player-

I think I might have decided on this one. It actually does not have the huge capacity I was thinking of. It was pointed out to me that even though I want to be lazy and never change out the music on the thing, I probably wouldn't have to that much with something that is 4-8 gigs. 1 gig = 20 Rush albums, I know this from personal experience. So that means 80-140 albums, which really probably wouldn't be that bad to change out, especially since half of it would probably be core favorites I'd never change out.

The atvantage of going with a smaller capacity means I could get a flash MP3 player instead of a hard drive player. Because honestly, this is me, and I will drop the thing at some point. And flash is a lot less touchy about that. No matter how nice or expensive I went, I could still fuck it up pretty easy by dropping it. Flash mitigates this problem.

So if anyone knows of a better player, let me know? I found it particularly appealing that this one doesn't seem to have much random software bullshit, it's basically drag and drop like a flash drive.

As for the comment on the last post: eh, I'm really not the go cheap and get better in a couple of years type. I am the get something nice that lasts forever type. Which fucking sucks, because no one makes anything to last anymore. But I am poor, and this thing is going to be expensive even if I DO go cheap, so I find it more comforting to go slightly more expensive and hope that it lasts forever and I can feel like I'm not throwing my money away. Also, I DO get attached to objects. It makes me sad when things break and I can't get them fixed and have to throw them away. So I really would like something that lasts.


I've been tossing this around for a few months now. But I really, really want a decent-ish pair of speakers. Honestly, I do not make enough money to really buy speakers OR an MP3 player, but I do have savings that would cover both more than adequately. I feel irresponsible blowing money on these things, but yet, I really am not using this money for anything and saving it for some vague rainy day is probably just as stupid.

Anyway, I had a boom box that broke recently. I go through these things like candy, I'm not exactly sure why, I hadn't thought I abused them that much. And that was basically the closest thing I had to a "real stereo." And I had a discman that broke recently (hence the mp3 player). Those I do go through comparatively quickly as well, but that is more understandable since I use them ALL THE TIME and/or drop them. The thing is, though, that I listen to my music on my computer WAY more than I do my CD's nowadays. And my computer just has the shitty speakers it came with (not that they're shitty in terms of computer speakers, but computer speakers just aren't made for quality sound). So if I got speakers, I could hook them up to my computer or mp3 player I'm buying..... and voila. The nice bit would be if I got nice ones they WOULD probably last forever. No moving parts, the speakers are never the part of the stereo that goes bad first.

The problem though is I basically know jack shit about speakers. I really don't need the best speakers. I definitely don't need hugely loud ones. There's only so loud of a volume you can play in my tiny appt. without annoying the neighbors and/or myself, even. And I don't need THE clearest ones either, my ear isn't sophisticated enough to hear some of the nuances they talk about. But I don't want to end up with shitty ones that will break (if speakers CAN break) or that won't be any better than the crappy ones I already have on my computer. And I don't really know exactly where that line is (between crappy and too-awesome overkill).

So I was thinking of maybe getting speakers from the same place as that MP3 player, since I was looking around on that site anyway. The cheapest ones that still seem cool are these. The most expensive I'm probably willing to go are these. The thing is, though: I can't tell the difference. Is the shit on the fancier one anything I'm going to use? Is the cheaper one good enough? And there are several sets in between. And should I even be buying them from this site? I don't even know what the fuck they're talking about with most of the things they say are awesome features, it could just be shit they made up to make them sound better and I could get a better just regular old (not cutting edge) set somewhere else.

....and, I was going to blog about other stuff but then I got tired.


thevitaminkid said...

I bought a pair of these for $40 after rebate, to use for speakers on the TV when I play movies. But they seem very good for concert videos too -- i.e. music.

No, they don't have the low bass that will loosen your bowels, so if that's important to you, look elsewhere. However, they have a lot more bass than you would expect. They do not sound like the tiny things that they are. The bass is adequate.

I am formerly a picky audiophile, who used to listen to music on electrostatic headphones, and would never think of using such cheap speakers. But really, these are reasonably clean and clear.

Is there a place you can hear the speakers before you buy?

Phoex said...

Not really, but I went ahead and actually got one of the ones I mentioned above. Hopefully they will work alright.