Thursday, July 12, 2007

I'd drown all these crying babies

Sometimes, I think of getting a tee shirt made that says, "Seriously, I will bang the first guy who asks me to that isn't a complete and utter asshole." Except proabably only assholes would be interested in that. And it would probably be even more depressing if I still got no action.

25. 25! 25. Each year seems exponentially worse. I'm obsessed with the idea that I'm going to make it to 40 like this and then have to shoot myself because of a Steve Carell movie mocking my situation.

It's not so much that I really want the sex, as I am really, really tired of being an unwanted freak.


Anonymous said...

If you make it to 40 like that, you might as well bear down and gun for 80. Because how many people without significant disabilities can say they made it to 80 without ever having sex? I'll bet that each year, more people climb Everest or discover comets than accomplish that. So, once you reach it, you could say you did something tougher than climbing Everest, and then watch as everyone kneels before you in awe.

This is assuming, of course, that you're not in a nursing home by then, and that your outlandish claims aren't dismissed as dementia.

Phoex said...

At least it'd be on purpose then.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm nearly 6 years older than you and in a similar situation, which is something I grumbled about in a friends-only LJ post last week. So there are others out there like you, even if you feel otherwise sometimes. In fact, I saw a recent survey that concluded 4% of American adults had never had sex. Granted, most of those were probably bitter old people, but still...4% of 300 million isn't a tiny number.