Monday, June 25, 2007

I clung to the stretcher, I drew them a heart

So today was pretty good. I applied for a PT job at a Libary a little while back, I finally got a call back and am going to have an interview soon. You know, I hate to be superstitious, but I think that money toad the DN's got me awhile back is fucking awesome and scary. Seriously, the day after I got it:

--Borders started giving me more hours

--State Farm, who I'd interviewed with a million times before, finally hired me

--I found my old wallet with a bunch of money on it

--a Libary that never gave me the time of day before this is giving me an interview.

Anyway, I really, really hope I get this job. It might be a lot of time working (it's 20-some hours, and my other job is 30) which I'm not crazy about, but seriously, since most of my friends moved away, I do NOTHING all day every day. I feel like I waste so much time. Even when I am working, I feel less productive than I did at Borders, because I basically do the same thing over and over again. At Borders, I grew a lot as a person and made a ton of friends, but I feel like I'm losing all that ground now. And also, I worked at Borders partly for the love. Sure, there was money. And sure, there was a LOT of hate by the end. But there were things (people) that I loved about it, and I probably would even stupidly go back there (part time) if I could somehow un-retardify Tami.

So I'm thinking this second job might possibly be a way to not waste my time, maybe meet more people, make loads more money, decide whether or not I actually like librarianing enough to make it a career like I have been thinking about for over 5 years now (yes, even before I went into TV I was considering Library school). If nothing else, I can save all the money I'm making till I get vacation and then blow it all on visiting my friends who no longer (or never did) live near here.

Speaking of friendships, at work I really, really want the following people to be my friend:

the George Michael woman from my comic. I think I'm making a little progress, we email each other back and forth about douchebag customers sometimes.
the guy who gave me tips on getting past the security guards with explosives in my shoes. Tonight we walked out at the same time again and we discussed freak escalator accidents and he mentioned something from fight club.

People I'm also possibly making headway with:

the moderately douchebag kid who will talk to anyone.
the kid who thinks I'm old that I compared to a centaur.

At this rate, I should be friends with these four people in about 20 years. Awesome.