Monday, May 28, 2007

glasgow lies bleeding in the afternoon

You know, it's kind of funny, I was happy about my new job being part time. And after I cut ties with Borders, I had no urge whatsoever to get another one to fill in the extra hours, because I value free time more than I do money, and I thought I had enough to support myself (for the most part). Whenever I am busy, all I long to do is have free time.

But I seem to forget whenever I have it, I end up cooped up in my place all day alone, and it drives me nuts. It's not that I can't spend any time alone, it's just that I spend so much. And I'm not as good at it as I was before I had friends.

Also, I wonder what killed my attention span. I used to have ADD, but not like this.

I dunno. Just felt like complainin'