Sunday, May 20, 2007

this honkey's gone to heaven

Wow, people got concerned about me over my last post. That's really nice :) But just to let you know, I don't think it's my pills or anything. I really AM a lightweight. And when I say that I have never had more than two drinks at once, I mean like really girly drinks (margaritas and such). And usually over a good long period of time.

--Whereas I was on an absolutely empty stomach (I was actually REALLY hungry but didn't feel I had time in between work and meeting my people to eat).

--I sucked down a ton of alcohol, including a long island iced tea, which is really, really alcoholic. It's like 5 parts of hard alcohol to a splash of coke, and in a really big glass. It was pretty much clear.

--I did it all pretty quickly

Up until like a year or two ago I could count the drinks I've ever had on my hand. I still drink once a month or less, probably. And like I said, it's one or two.

So anyway, yeah I'm a total lightweight. No, I'm not going to get drunk again soon, if ever. Yes, I did somewhat MEAN to get drunk, so it actually was my decision. There was talk of more alcohol and I said, "no no no." So it's not like I just randomly woke up in a field somewhere in a pool of my own vomit with my pants down.

Anyway I had a pretty good day, Opt was up from the Paign and we hung out all day. I made awesome cheesy chicken pasta and we played Monkey Island II: Lechuck's Revenge, listened to awesome music including but not limited to the Pixies and Bloodhound Gang, got a free dessert from Borders, talked to Lister & Herd while we were there. She actually came the night before, and we played even more Monkey Island and talked for a million years.

Speaking of yesterday, work seems to be going alright. I suck at what I do (because I don't know what I'm doing yet) and am slightly terrified of fucking up, but I like that I'm one of the few people brave enough to talk to actual customers yet during "buddy time" (when we go out on the floor with an experienced person). I'm hoping that if I keep this up, I'll actually be somewhat decent at my job by the time I'm out of training.


the becca said...

I'm surprised...

from the post title, I expected a big reveal about your discovery.

ah well

Live Monkey or Die! (I just made that up right now)

btw, I find it amusing that we were listening to that Monkey/Pixies song while playing Monkey Island. Maybe you already thought about that, but I didn't.

Phoex said...


Eh, I guess I didn't think about it.

I totally didn't think about that until now either!