Wednesday, May 09, 2007

ass pie

Me: spite vagina!
Me: that could be my superpower
Ryan: hahah
Me: spite vagina activate!
Ryan: "Are you angry? have sex with me?!"
Me: haha
Me: I like how spite vagina is right above the post named monkey tits
Me: my other superpower is that I have breasts
Ryan: hahah
Ryan: that's a good power!
Me: I'm superior over men and monkeys!
Me: look, they jiggle!
Ryan: haha yes, yes you are
Me: "I'm slightlly more bouyant, this could be useful in a flood"
Ryan: monkeys totally drown in floods
Me: haha
Me: they can't climb trees?
Ryan: not in really big floods that cover trees
Me: I think in really big floods my breasts would not be that big of an atvantage
Me: it'd have to be a lame flood for my boobs to be the deciding vote on whether or not I survive
Ryan: even still, monkeys'd just save themselves
Ryan: and let you drown
Ryan: no way a monkey could carry a man up a tree in a flood
Ryan: haha
Me: my boobs could carrya man up a tree in a flood?
Ryan: if that's the case, at least you could flash them before they die
Me: holy shit, first spite vagina now this
Me: I'm fuckin awesome
Ryan: hahah
Ryan: rescue boobs, and spite vagina
Ryan: all you need now is an ass that can bake a pie
Ryan: and you got it made