Tuesday, April 03, 2007


I LOVE this video.

It kind of reminds me of a not very good Weezer video. In that the concept bits aren't that great but there's enough goofiness for me to enjoy. Things about this video I enjoy:

1) That he stole my crazy pelvic thrust move.

2) The wide array of other spazzy dancing.

3) The special guest who shows up later. Also seeing said special guest lip synch along with "I called her on the phone and she touched herself" = extra hilarity.

4) The guy humping the keyboard.

5) The wide array of unsexy licking.

6) I enjoyed the song in general anyway, it amuses me.

7) I like the band in general. They're kind of proof that emo can be fun instead of all guys with black eyeliner tears.

8) I love the lead singer because I read once he had a nervous breakdown and believed that people who were hired to eat him were following him around. If you have to go crazy, go BIG, man. I love how it's not people hired to kill him, or people wanted to eat him, but people being paid to eat him. That's an awesome level of paranoia.


the becca said...

OMG. It's totally the Fonz. Thanks for not putting a spoiler, but that was awesome.

who's the band, btw?

crap, that's two text abbrv in one msg. shit, three.

henry winkler needs to slap my ass for that.

Phoex said...

Hahah, for reals.

I love Henry Winkler. I was even a nerd and watched the making of to that and he was all excited because it was the first time he'd been in a music video (except for the time Weezer used clips of him).

Anyway, it's Say Anything :D

the becca said...

well, lookee there, you'll make an emohipster of me yet.

Phoex said...

haha nice. I can give you some if you want. They even have one about how much they hate hipsters :P