Wednesday, April 18, 2007

eye of the tiger

Me: you seriously must not value my friendship
Ryan: I value your friendship
Ryan: I also value music you HATE
Ryan: and sometimes I wish to share it with you
Ryan: even though I know you hate it
Me: haha
Me: why?
Ryan: because sometimes you need to be dragged, kicking and screaming, into the ROCK
Me: haha why do I need to be dragged kicking and sceaming ino the rock?
Ryan: because despite your opinion, sometimes you need to rock out
Ryan: and you're not going to be doing it to coheed and girlia, or Say Anything (but don't hurt my feelings)
Me: haha you like BOTH those bands
Ryan: I do! But that's besides the point
Me: haha
Me: you could've at least made fun of Live or something
Me: haha
Me: that you don'tlove too
Me: coheed and say anything both rock
Ryan: I know, but those were the only ones I could think of that I could make sound wussy off the top of myh ead
Me: haha
Me: wow did you learn those debate tactics at oxford?
Ryan: I did
Ryan: But more like.. in the back alley behind it
Ryan: And it was the Swedish version.. Oxenfjord
Me: I know I'm a nerd
Me: but I enjoyed the Oxenfjord joke
Me: hugely
Ryan: hahah
Ryan: Good!
Ryan: This is why you continue your subscription to World of Ryan
Ryan: and why you put up with my shitty hair bands