Today I was looking at Say Anything's website and found a rant on there I loved. Apparently Tim Kinsella posted an article online or something that (jokingly) said that every band that had been in the last issue of AP (AP is a magazine that is pretty much all about emo bands. It's so emo that even I can't take reading it very often) should disband. But his deeper point was that emo is killing music. (link)
Okay, first off, I don't get why people think that. You listen to the radio, you hear maybe one or two emo bands, tops. Emo is really not as popular as people give it credit for. You want something that sways the masses, gun for American Idol or Britney Spears or Nickelback, man. Emo is just some random buzzword that most people don't even know what it means. Which is because it's become a catch-all. Even someone like me, who knows and listens to a ton of emo finds it difficult to describe what it is to someone. Don't like something and want to be dismissive about it? Call it emo.
Plus isn't the entire history of music old people complaining about what came after it? Jazz was once crazy and revolutionary. Elvis & the Beatles were once "that noise." Old people now hate Rap. No one likes the next wave that comes after them.
Anyway here is the rant/response the lead singer from Say Anything made, and I heart it so much I had to cut & past it in its entirety, make you read it, and then avidly quiz you about it afterwards to prove you read it.
Hello Everyone, Max Bemis from Say Anything here.
Not that you would know, Tim, being that you are the kind of music-hermit who only listens to his own records, we are probably one of those bands you refer to, if not, we might as well be. I'd just like to point out to everyone that Tim is old, jaded, ill informed and his very own bands not only submit for the tours of the bands he disses, but Tim is a member of Joan of Arc and Make Believe, both of which are still relatively poppy run of the mill progressive psuedo- mathy emo bands. he was on Jade Tree Records which, though an indie, is still a COG IN THE EMO MACHINE HE CLAIMS IS CULTURE EATING ITSELF. To someone even more jaded, he would be the complete tool for ushering in the entire emo movement.
By refusing to embrace humanism and try to understand, rather than alienate the next generation and their choice in music or how they choose to express himself, he has become a fascist neo conservative of rock and roll: the worst kind of hypocrite. Don't let this asshole tell you what to do or even joke about the music your pour your passion into.
If bad bands exist, they exist so good bands can come and take their place: so art and expression can constantly evolve. Keep making music. If you don't like the music that's around, FORM YOUR OWN FUCKING BAND. MAKE A BIG FUCKING ROCK AND ROLL RECORD OR BETTER YET, SOME SUB PAR MATH ROCK RECORD ABOUT HOW CORPORATE AMERICA DICTATES FASHIONS, TRENDS, AND THUS, THE MUSIC INDUSTRY. Don't BITCH ABOUT IT and try and cross promote your own INFLATED SELF by writing AN ARTICLE in a youth cultured magazine that will only make KIDS FEEL SHITTY ABOUT THEMSELVES and WHO THEY ARE: something as disgusting as homophobia, genderism, or ignorance that you preach against. You are emophobic. Self LOATHING EMOPHOBIC. And the sick thing is, I love the music you make. It influences my music. And you are a part of this, not to mention the fact that you've been reviewed and mentioned countless times in Alternative Press. Of course you'd pick a fight with one of the smaller publications that exist. What about Rolling Stone. What about fucking TIME MAGAZINE, Tim?
If you're one Tim's six friends, send him this message:
Love Maxim
Friday, April 13, 2007
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