Friday, March 02, 2007

boop beep

So.... ultimate sadness. Not only can't YM live where the DN's did (she was considering this), she actually mentioned there's an opening in my place to Stupid, who now wants to live there.

I really, really, really, really, really, really do NOT want him down there.

1) We're not really friends. We're not really strangers. We're aquaintances. We'd have to make fucking small talk all the time. I already have someone in this building that I'm constantly dodging small talk from. I don't want to feel like I have to avoid yet another person. I don't want to feel guilty for not talking to him every time I see him. I don't want him going around telling everyone I'm a bitch because I'm rude and won't make small talk with him (though with how I handled this situation everyone thinks I'm a bitch anyway).

2) He's one of the few people at work I don't really like. I don't exactly hate him or anything, but he can get annoying and I really don't want to import this annoyingness into my home life.

3) I don't think he's malicious or anything, and I don't really have anything to hide, but I really don't need to feel like there's someone in my building who knows my comings and goings and can/will tell people at the Store.

4) He is a chain smoker, and not only that he smokes like the nastiest cigarettes on earth. My bathroom already smells like smoke half the time, I do not need to make it worse.

5) I don't want to have to invite him every time I'm doing someone with coworkers or be roped into carpooling with him ever just because we would live the same place.

So... yeah. I'm kind of glad that I got wind of this before he asked me, because I probably would've gotten flustered and told him yes he could move down there when it's the last thing on earth I want to happen. My reasons weren't as well-articulated as they are now, but I did manage to tell him no. I told him it would be creepy (which it would be). He told me he wasn't stalking me or anything and I wouldn't have to talk to him or anything, but that only takes care of like one thing on this list, and I still would probably feel guilty about avoiding talking to him anyway.

I was told that was mean (by other people) because he really needs somewhere cheap to live, but I'm refusing to let that make me feel bad. This is not the only place in town. This isn't even the only cheap place in town. It's not like his only alternative is the street.

I'm half tempted to call up my landlord, on the off chance Stupid decides/figures out how to contact him, and tell him that if Stupid moves in I'm moving out, and he'll be back where he started RE: trying to find someone. I really, really don't want to have to do that, though.

This whole situation is the suck, but I'm glad I stood up for myself for once.

In good news, I only work one day next week! I already went down to part time even though I don't start my new job till next week. It's going to be so awesome. Things I'm going to do:

-Visit Opt in Champaign and do wonderful Champaign things
-Visit Sista in the Field (this might be a twofer, and we might just both go to the Pain)
-Do something with my sole remaining friend from high school
-Do something with my parents
-Do something with my sister's family
-I'm thinking of having a movie marathon but am not quite sure what the logistics are yet
-Cleaning my place
-Trying to do something with Elaine or Hootie (they're friends, but I never do anything with them, and I don't want to never see them now that I'm going PT at the store). I might try to combine one or both of them with the movie marathon above.
-and, let's be honest with ourselves, I will probably play World of Warcraft till my eyes bleed.